Task 3. Choose the correct item. Выбери нужный предлог. 13) We need to go over / on the details of the plan.
14) B: That’s because he’s too/ enough lazy to get up!
15) The princess started at / to the beautiful diamond ring the prince held in his hand.
16) Don't worry, I can hang on / around the market for a while.
17) The alarm went off / by at six in the morning.
18) She didn't know what fate had in / at store for her but she was about to find out.
As you can see, I 'm fond of basketball. Our team is famous in my school. We always participate in competitions and we often win. As for my school, I try to study well and I always do my home-work. Sometimes I'm very tired but I understand that I must do my best because my future depends on my school achievements. That's why I do my homework and after that I go to the gym.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
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