Good morning," Ms. Thaker told and she presented books to children. Hank took the knigu.heloked on it, but it isn't pleasant. Then I told Ms. of tyckerchildren about it holidays. I was on the real ranch this summer. I saw how cowboys at work, and I learned ridea of Hors. It засмеялась.что all of you made you do this summer?"Hank thought that Ms. Thaker on the real horse. The teacher on a horse!Children told about the holidays. But Hank didn't listen. Hank thought that lakes camp, and chubby... this year we will look after science number *, - Ms. Thaker told.Biddie told, "I have some stones. I can bring them.""Well!" Ms. Tuker told, "at us will be rock collections."I have cockleshells."I have a magnet."Hank told Siddehly: - Ms. Takker, I have a pet of a dragon. It beautiful to stir up. It very harmless."I told Ms. Thaker: "You can bring the chubby."Вот и всё
[snəʊ, frɒst ænd ˈsʌnʃaɪn…ˈlʌvli ˈmɔːnɪŋ]
[jet juː, dɪə lʌv, ɪts ˈmæʤɪk ˈskɔːnɪŋ,]
[ɑː stɪl əˈbɛd…əˈweɪk, maɪ swiːt]
[kɑːst sliːp əˈweɪ, aɪ bɛg, ænd, ˈraɪzɪŋ,]
[jɔːˈsɛlf ə ˈnɔːðən stɑː, ðə ˈbleɪzɪŋ]
[ɔːˈrɔːrə, ˈnɔːðən ˈbjuːti, miːt]
[ə ˈmɛləʊ gləʊ laɪk ðæt ɒv ˈæmbə]
[ɪˈluːmz ðə ruːm…tɪz gʊd tuː ˈlɪŋgə]
[bɪˈsaɪd ðə ˈgeɪli ˈkræklɪŋ stəʊv,]
[ænd θɪŋk ænd driːm…bʌt lɛt ˈaʊər ˈɒnɪst]
[braʊn meə wɪˈðaʊt dɪˈleɪ biː ˈhɑːnɪst]
[ðæt wiː meɪ teɪk ə slɛʤ raɪd, lʌv]
[wiːl gɪv friː reɪn tuː hɜː, ænd ˈlaɪtli]
[ðə snəʊ ɒv ˈmɔːnɪŋ ˈgliːmɪŋ ˈbraɪtli]
[skɪm ˈəʊvər ɪt, ænd, fʊl ɒv gliː]
[krɒs ˈɛmpti fiːldz ænd ˈɛmpti ˈmɛdəʊz]
[ə wʌns griːn wʊd wɪð triːz laɪk ˈʃædəʊz]
[ə striːm ænd bæŋk lɒŋ dɪə tuː miː]