Task 3. Topic 1. Fill in all the spaces provided. You can write more than one idea. /
ответь вопросы. Напиши по 3 предложения.
People need to eat food. There are many kinds of food that you can eat. Your diet is all of the food that you eat. Some food is healthy. Some food is not healthy. Healthy food is good for you. It helps you stay strong and live a long time.
What kind of food do you eat during the day?
Write three foods that are healthy:
Write three foods that are NOT healthy:
Описание: этот рецепт является классикой жанра, поскольку при его приготовлении добавляют и грибы, и куриное филе.
Ингредиенты:500 грамм куриного филе,500 грамм грибов, 200 грамм твердого сыра, 200 грамм лука, 300 грамм сметаны,сливочное масло, соль, перец.
приготовления:1. Лук необходимо порезать небольшими кусочками и обжарить на сковородке до прозрачности. Держать его на газу слишком долго не стоит, поскольку лук должен лишь оттенять аромат и вкус блюда. 2. В сковородку к луку стоит поместить куриное мясо и грибы. Слегка посолить и поперчить. И все вместе необходимо обжаривать до готовности. Дождавшись испарения влаги, стоит выключить огонь.3. Формы для жульена нужно смазать сливочным маслом. Затем необходимо выложить в них обжаренные продукты, после полить заранее приготовленным соусом или сметаной, напоследок посыпать тертым сыром. Затем на четверть часа поставить формочки в нагретый духовой шкаф.4. Определить готовность жульена просто – поджаристая золотистая корочка будет свидетельствовать, что блюдо можно вынимать.
Julienne with mushrooms
Description: this recipe is a classic of the genre, because when it is cooking and add the mushrooms, and chicken.
500 grams of chicken,
500 grams of mushrooms,
200 grams of cheese,
200 grams of onion,
300 grams of sour cream,
butter, salt, pepper.
Method of preparation:
1. Onions should be cut in small pieces and fry in a skillet until transparent. Keep it on the gas for too long is not worth it, because onions have only to set off the flavor and taste of food.
2. In the pan the onions should put the chicken and mushrooms. A little salt and pepper. And together, fry until cooked. So evaporation is off the fire.
3. Forms for Julien should be lubricated with butter. Then you put them in roasted products, after you pour the prepared sauce or sour cream, and finally sprinkle with grated cheese. Then for a quarter of an hour to put tins in a hot oven.
4. To determine the readiness of Julien just - crunchy Golden crust will testify that the dish can be removed.
New Year’s in Russia is celebrated on December 31 and it is probably the most exciting holiday of the year. Russian New Year’s traditions are quite specific and differ from most of the world because in our country New Years is more popular than Christmas. Christmas, on the other hand, is celebrated on January 7, not on the 25th of December. Russian Orthodox Church uses the 'Julian' calendar for religious celebration days, which is why the date is different.New Year is a family holiday, celebrated usually at home in a circle of close relatives and friends. Preparation for the holiday begins in the middle of December. People carefully plan their celebration and buy presents. Almost every family buys a New Year fir tree, which stands in the corner of the room and is decorated with glass toys, sweets, and garlands.In our country, New Year is a public holiday, during which most companies and offices are closed. Also, every city has special New Year’s celebratory events - concerts for kids, performances, different holiday fairs. The streets are decorated with fir trees and lights.On the 31th of December most of the people start the celebration around 10 pm. Everyone gathers at the table to remember the outgoing year and its happy moments, to discuss future plans and tell each other best wishes in the upcoming year. New Year's dinner usually includes Russian traditional dishes: Olivier salad, dressed herring, sparkling wine, and tangerines. An irreplaceable part of the New Year's celebration is a special president’s speech, which begins 5 minutes before midnight. It is about the events of the year, achievements and hopes for a better future. When the clock strikes midnight, people start to toast with champagne and wish each other “Happy New Year”, while listening to the national anthem.