Task II. Read and translate the text. Does it have answers to the questions discussed? Have you ever had to give a presentation? What tool did you use? Perhaps it was Microsoft PowerPoint? If you did, you weren't alone. Around 30 million presentations are created each day using it. But who invented this program and what is its future?
PowerPoint was originally called Presenter and it was the creation of Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin. In 1987, when it first became available, only Apple Macintosh users had access to it. The program was bought by the Microsoft Corporation in July of the same year. When PowerPoint was developed, it was created for people in business. Since then it has been used in schools, universities, hospitals, offices and conferences. It is used not only to give presentations, it is also used to present data, analyze information, edit photos and do sums. It is a versatile tool that allows users to present images, texts and graphs. The information can be made more entertaining by adding sounds or visual effects, e.g. the text can appear word by word or from the side. What made PowerPoint so successful? The first thing is that it was easy to use. It's clear icons on buttons and dialogue boxes, the screens and slide designs. Individual slides meant that each one could project a different idea. In addition, the fact that each slide could contain images and texts made it a very powerful tool. Microsoft continues to improve PowerPoint, and some of the features from the 2019 version include inserting a 3D model which can be rotated 360º; easily removing the background from photos, recording video or audio and some special effects. The most interesting tools are the improved AI (artificial intelligence) features: PowerPoint Coach and PowerPoint Designer. The coach gives suggestions while the user practises his or her presentation in front of the computer. PowerPoint Designer helps generate slides and ideas. It helps to create layouts that are well designed. With new apps and programs being invented every day, it will be interesting to see what PowerPoint will be like in the future. Will people continue to use it, or will there be a better presentation tool on the market?
Task IV. Match the words in bold (1-6) with their definitions (a-f). Write the words in bold next to the definitions. (Written form)
1 Sometimes I feel stupid when I can’t remember something easily. 2. It is important to have a good memory when you are learning a new language. That way you don’t forget the new words that you learn. 3. Students in upper high school science courses often do research to learn new things about the subject. 4. Some students think that learning English is difficult, but others think that maths is harder. 5. Sometimes it’s hard to remember where you put your things. It’s easy to forget the location. 6. The file was damaged, and I could not open my essay anymore. I should have made a copy.
a _ (n) detailed study of a something to learn more about it
b_ (adj) silly or not intelligent
c __ (adj) not easy; needing skill or effort to do or understand
d __ (n) a collection of information stored in one place on a computer
e __ (n) a place or position
f __ (n) your ability to remember information.
They became important especially at the present time. (зей) (биˈкейм) (имˈпортэнт) (эˈспешли) (эт) (зэ) (ˈпрезэнт) (тайм).
Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange between the people of our planet. (ˈфорэн) (ˈлэнгуэджэз) (эр) (ˈнидэд) (эз) (зэ) (мейн) (энд) (мoуст) (иˈфишэнт) (минз) (эв) (ˌинфэрˈмейшэн) (иксˈчейндж) (биˈтуин) (зэ) (ˈпипэл) (эв) (ˈaуэр) (ˈплэнэт).
Today English is the language of the world. (тэˈдей) (ˈинглиш) (из) (зэ) (ˈлэнгуэдж) (эв) (зэ) (уёрлд).
It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass media. It is the language of computer software, literature, education, modern music, international tourism. (ит) (эз) (зэ) (ˈмейджэр) (ˌинтэрˈнэшэнэл) (ˈлэнгуэдж) (фэр) (кэмˌйунэˈкейшэн) (ин) (сач) (ˈериэз) (эз) (ˈсайэнс), (текˈналэджи), (ˈбизнэс) (энд) (мэс) (ˈмидиэ). (ит) (эз) (зэ) (ˈлэнгуэдж) (эв) (кэмˈпьютэр) (ˈсофˌтуэр), (ˈлитэрэчэр), (ˌеджэˈкейшэн), (ˈмадёрн) (ˈмьюзик), (ˌинтэрˈнэшэнэл) (ˈтуˌризэм).
My favorite subject is English.(май) (ˈфейвэрит) (ˈсабджикт) (эз) (ˈинглиш).
Форэн лэнгвич а нидед эз дэ мэин энд мост эффисиент минс оф информэйшон эксченж битвин дэ пепол оф ав планэт. Тудэй инглиш из дэ лэнгвич оф де ворлд.
Ит из дэ мажёр интернэшионал лэнгвич фо комминикейшон ин сач а эы саинс, техноложи, бизнес энд масс мидиа. Ит из дэ лэнгвич оф компютер софтвэку, литераче(сложно написать), эдикешен , модерн мюзик, интернэшионал тоуризм.
Май фэворит сабжект из инглиш.