Taski.Reading. Read the text about countryside and answer the questions. My name is Peter! I live in the countryside, in a cottage which is over 100 years old. The cottage is near a
small village. [love living here bccause it is calin There arcn it many cars and busses, the streets are
clean You can go for a walk because there isn't any violence. You can even leave your doors open,
nobody will steal anything
We know all the neighbours and at the end of the day, people get together at the main square and chat.
We go to bed carly as there isn't much to do in the evening Thche isn't any disco, theatre or cinema. We
also don't have a muscum or a youth club. But the child cn can play in the streets or in the fields and they
can have animals!
You can sleep very well because there is noise. The air is pure and you can see millions of stars
It is a bit difficult in winter. Sometimes it snows a lot and then we arc isolated for a few days. But still i
like living in the countryside.
Strategy 5 questions» стратегия 5 вопросов
For grond
Where does Peter live?
Why does he like to live in the countryside
What children do cvery day
Why they go to bed carlo
What are the advantages of living in countryside?
So says the old man, the old woman:
- Podi, the old woman, on the frame pescribe, Suzaku pomati not get enough money if flour bun.
Took the old wing, the box was scratched, Suzaku pomelo dice and scraped flour two handfuls.
Knead flour into the sour cream, made bun, roasted in oil and on the window to Studite put.
Kolobok lain, lain, took and rolled with a window on the bench, with shops on the floor, across the floor to the door, jump through the door - Yes, in the shadow of the porch on the porch with the porch into the yard, the yard behind the gate, on and on.
Rolling a Ball on the road to meet him Hare:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don't eat me, Rabbit, I'm a song sing:
I Kolobok, Kolobok,
I box screen,
On Suzaku mean,
Cream meson
Yes the oil preion,
On the window staion.
I from his grandfather gone,
I am from grandma's gone,
From you, hare, even more so leave!
And rolled down the road - only the Hare and his saw!
Rolls a Ball towards him Wolf:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don't eat me, Grey Wolf, I'm a song sing:
I Kolobok, Kolobok,
I box screen,
On Suzaku mean,
Cream meson
Yes the oil preion,
On the window staion.
I from his grandfather gone,
I am from grandma's gone,
I went from the hare,
From you, wolf, even more so leave!
And rolled down the road - only the Wolf and his saw!
Rolls a Ball towards him Bear:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Where are you clumsy, eat me!
I Kolobok, Kolobok,
I box screen,
On Suzaku mean,
Cream meson
Yes the oil preion,
On the window staion.
I from his grandfather gone,
I am from grandma's gone,
I went from the hare,
I wolf was gone,
From you, a bear, even more so leave!
And again rolled - only Bear it and seen!
Rolls a Ball towards him Fox:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where roll?
- Roll on the track.
- Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song!
The bun and began to sing:
I Kolobok, Kolobok,
I box screen,
On Suzaku mean,
Cream meson
Yes the oil preion,
On the window staion.
I from his grandfather gone,
I am from grandma's gone,
I went from the hare,
I wolf was gone,
From the bear has left,
From you, Fox, just leave!
And Fox says:
"Oh, the song is good, I hear you bad. Kolobok, Kolobok, sit by me on the toe yeah sing it again, louder.
Kolobok Fox jumped over the nose and began to sing louder than the same song.
But the Fox again to him:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my tongue Yes propoi in the last time.
Kolobok Fox jump into language, and his Fox - DIN! and ate.
Мой любимы фильм Гарри Поттер.Это удивительная и волшебная сказка о мальчике,который стал великим волшебником.Мальчик потерял родителем,когда был ещё совсем маленьким.Волан де Морт убил его родителей.Он и Гарри хотел убить,но получилась так,что половина его волшебной силы перешла к мальчику.В этой сказке есть добро и зло.Мне очень нравится смотреть этот фильм на новогодние праздники,придает атмосферу Нового года.