fill in with: pastime, take, discipline,
improve, physical, common, martial.
arts are popular in the uk.
2 every athlete knows that the key to success
and hard work.
3 amy wants to up a hobby.
4 jenny started taking dancing lessons to
her fitness level.
5 skateboarding is a popular
for teenagers in kazakhstan.
6 kelly and i have a lot in
most of all, we both enjoy snowboarding.
7 a healthy diet and lots of
exercise help you keep fit.
прям сейчас !
to notice – замечать, to observe – наблюдать,
to feel – чувствовать, to hear – слышать и другие).
После этих глаголов мы ставим инфинитив без частицы «to». 2) С глаголами, выражающими желание и потребность
• to want – хотеть, • to wish/to desire – желать, • to like – нравиться, • should/would like – хотел бы).The inspector would like you to explaine everything to him
Инспектор хотел бы, чтобы вы все ему объяснили.
Или: I want my granny to take me to the circus.
Я хочу, ( что? + сложное дополнение), чтобы бабушка сводила меня в цирк. I want her to be happy - Я хочу (что?) чтобы
An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. In general, the purpose of an adjective is to describe a noun or pronoun and provide more information about it. Adjectives provide answers to questions such as “What kind?” “Which one?” and “Whose is it?”
To demonstrate how adjectives work, let’s look at two example sentences. The first sentence has no adjectives, and the second sentence has two adjectives.
Leslie bought shoes at the store.
Leslie bought new shoes at the busy store.