a material which allows electricity to flow through it is called a conductor. any material which will not permit the flow of electricity is known as an insulator. condactor wires, or leads, in any piece of electrical apparatus or installation must not be allowed to touch cach other, or any other metal part. if they do, a short circuit will result which will cause failure of the apparatus and the possible dangers of fire and electric shock insulating materials are used to cover and proteet con ductor wires and sometimes to separate them. common in slating materials include air, oil, glass, porcelain, mica, rubber and plastics. heavy power cables are sometimes given an extra cover known as a bonding or shield, made of metal for the further protection of the insulation. a switch is used in almost every piece of electrical apparatus. its purpose is to make complete or to break an electricial circuit. when a circuit is switched on it is a closed circuit and current will flow through it. when it is switched off the circuit is broken, it becomes an open eireuit and the tlow of current is stopped. the main contacts of a switch are called poles. these are connected when the switeh is on. there are very many different kinds of switches ranging from a miero-switch, which is very sensitive, to the large and complicated ones which are used for high voltages and are sometimes known as circuit-breakers. switches can be operated automatically by temperature or pressure control or tìming devices.
№ 1
ответьте на вопросы:
1. what is aconductor?
2. what must not be allowed to touch each other?
3. for what are insulating materials used?
4. what do common insulating materials include?
5. where is a switch used?
6. are there very many different kinds of switches?
№ 2
выпишите из текста утвердительное предложение и образуйте его отрицательную и вопросительные формы.
№ 3
найдите в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и выпишите их.
№ 4
определите глагольное время в тексте.
№ 5
составьте 5-6 высказываний по теме "searching for a job"
11. We've not had breakfast yet.
12. They're still drinking tea in the dining room.
13. I've already done my homework.
14. He's still doing his homework.
15. We've had three lessons today.
16. They've just had a meeting.
17. She's not read that book yet.
18. She's still reading.
19. Who has written that?
20. What have you written to him?
21. I've just been at the dentist and I feel much better.
22. He's telling lies. He's not done his homework.
23. Why is he not having lunch? — She's still talking on the phone with his friend.
24. Where's that lazy cat gone? — She's over there, sleeping in front of the fireplace.
Hello Mary,
Thanks for your letter, yes, I am coming to your place next Friday and would like to stay there for the weekends. I am going to visit all the local museums and art galleries in your place, I hope you will be able to accompany me.
As to cuisine, I love seafood like prawns, fried or boiled fish, crab meat, and lobsters with olive oil is my favourite one. However, I also can eat almost all ordinary food that can be cooked using products bought in a grocery store. Well, that's all.
Looking forward to meeting you these weekends,
Your friend, тут свое имя