Текст: The simplest hydraulic system is perhaps the hydraulic shock absorber which consists of a pump (piston) and resistance. Another elementary type of system is the hydraulic weighing machine, which consists of a non-continuous pump element(piston or diaphragm) and a pressure gauge.
Other elementary systems consists of a jack, transmission line, and a pump of the non-continuous type without control gear, although valves may still be present for secondary purposes. Systems of this type are used for remote transmission of manual or pedal effort or motion, or for remote transmission of instrument indication.
The simplest best known system of this type hydraulic brake.
Тигр является самым крупным из диких кошек. Тигр является одним из крупнейших наземных хищников, уступая только белый и коричневый bears.Allocated девять подвидов тигра, из которых к началу XXI века, только шесть выжили. Общее число тигров на данный момент порядка 4000-6500 животных, среди них наиболее многочисленной является бенгальский тигр. В ХХ веке, тигр включен в Красную книгу. Охота на запрет worldwide.Habitat тигров могут быть весьма разнообразны: тропические леса, мангровые болота и заросли бамбука в тропиках, сухие саванны, пустыни, голые холмы и скалистые тайги на севере.
The Seller: Good evening! How can I help you?
The Buyer: Yes, I think you might help me. I bought this disk in your shop. Unfortunately it turned out to be defective.
The Seller: Well, let me think. I need to check it myself and I believe you have the sales check?
The Buyer: Sorry, but I have thrown it away. Is it necessary?
The Seller: I am really sorry, but I can do nothing without the sales check for this disk.
The Buyer: Well, then I will have to complain to your chief executive officer. Please ask for him.
The Seller: He is now on the business meeting and can not come. But I will consult with our guarantee department manager. Maybe we can solve this problem with him.
The Buyer: Thank you for your help. I will wait.
In five minutes
The Seller: Thank you for waiting. I have good news for you. We can return you your money, as the inspection of the disc shown it was really defective.
Moreover, the code at the disc allowed us to confirm that it was bought in our store. We are sorry for this.
I can offer you a new disk or return your money back. What would you prefer?
The Buyer: Thank you! I will take a new disc.
The Seller: Here it is. Come to us again. Good-Buy!
The Buyer: Thank you! Good-Buy!