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25.08.2022 07:52 •  Английский язык

Todd: So Kevin, you were saying that you've been poor, broke, a couple of times. You talked about being in New York, and being broke. When else have you been broke?
Kevin: Wow. Well, after New York, the following year, when I came down from New York, I was determined to be my own boss. I had not been in control of my life while I was in New York. It was all depending on other people to let me have a job. And when I lost the job, that really, that really hurt.

And so when I went home I decided that I was going to own my own business, and I opened my first business which was a Karate school, and I put a lot of money into it that I had worked for almost a year saving up and then, well I also had a small inheritance from my grandmother.

Todd: Oh okay.

Kevin: Yeah. But I ended up losing all of the money in the Karate school.

Todd: Now did you actually know Karate?

Kevin: Yes.

Todd: Oh you do?

Kevin: I do.

Todd: I did not know that about you.

Kevin: That would have been a strange business to start if I didn't know it. But yeah, yeah, I'd done it, I started when I was a kid. And, at the time, I was 20, I think 20, just about to turn 21 when I opened it. And I was ni-dan at the time, second degree black belt, and I had been teaching at my instructor's school for a while and he had encouraged me, you know, to go ahead and do it. But it was the wrong location, and the wrong town, the town was really poor. And I lost about $20,000 in 6 months.

Todd: That's a lot of money.

Kevin: That is a lot of money. Especially to a 21 year old who, you know...

Todd: Yeah, $20,000 when you're 21, you can live for like 3 years.

Kevin: Right, and not a year and half earlier I was flat busted broke in New York, and then, you know, things picked up and I thought that I could really try and make something of it. But you know, nothing ventured, nothing gained, and that was the attitude that I had, and, you know, found myself broke again.

Todd: So that fact that you've been poor, but you were poor both times when you were very young, do you look back and are you glad that you had those experiences?

Kevin: Sure. Sure, I learned a lot. Those experiences were valuable. You can't buy that kind of experience, you know, I carry it around with me now. I listen to other people who have business ideas and, you know, one thing that I gained from it is I can tell if they are going into a business, if they're gonna try and start up a business and, you know, they haven't considered all the things that they really need to consider, I can see the pitfalls that I fell in. And, you can try and suggest people to, you know, make other arrangements or to be more careful about this or that, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes they just have to go out and learn the hard way like I did.

вставити слова
1. Todd: So Kevin, you were saying that you've been poor, broke, a couple of times.
You in New York, and being broke. When else have you been broke?

2. Kevin: And so when I went home I decided that I was going to own my own business, and I opened my first business which was a Karate
school, and Iit that I had worked for almost a year saving up and then, well I also had a small inheritance from my grandmother.

3. Kevin: Sure. Sure, I learned a lot. Those experiences were valuable. You can't buy that kind of experience, you know, I aroundwith me now.

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17.06.2022 10:24
Модальный глагол can можно перевести как «могу», «можно», «не может быть», «неужели…?». Он употребляются для выражения умения, физической возможности, разрешения запрета, уверенности или сомнения в чем-то, невероятности чего-то.

Модальный глагол can в времени или при согласовании времен меняется на could. Can не имеет формы будущего времени, в этом случае вместо него используется будущая форма конструкции to be able to.


Simple / Perfect Infinitive
I could swim when I was 10.
Я мог плавать, когда мне было 10.
You could have helped us.
Ты бы мог нам и тогда).

В утвердительных предложениях модальный глагол can используется только с простым инфинитивом (первой формой) смысловых глаголов без частицы to.

I can swim. – Я умею плавать.
It can be true. – Это может быть правдой.
You can use my pen. – Ты можешь попользоваться моей ручкой.
форма модального глагола can (could) в утверждении может использоваться с простым инфинитивом смысловых глаголов, а также с совершенным инфинитивом в значении укора, невыполненного действия.

We could run fast when we were young. – Мы могли быстро бегать, когда были молодыми.
She said Jack could take her car. – Она сказала, что Джек может взять ее машину. (согласование времен)
You could be quiet at least. I’m trying to work. – Ты мог бы вести себя тихо хотя бы. Я пытаюсь работать.
Matt could have waited for us. – Мэтт мог бы нас и подождать.

Отрицательное предложение с can или could образуется добавлением частицы not после самих модальных глаголов.

I can not find the key to my car. – Я не могу найти ключ к своей машине.
You can not take my phone. – Тебе нельзя брать мой телефон.
My mom said my friends could not stay at my place. – Моя мама сказала, что мои друзья не могут остаться у меня. (согласование времен)
Jack could not have said it. – Не может быть, чтобы Джек сказал такое.
can not = cannot = can’t
could not = couldn’t
My brother can’t dance. – Мой брат не умеет танцевать.
I couldn’t swim when I was 5 years old. – Я не умел плавать, когда мне было 5 лет.
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16.05.2020 16:04

My best friend is my fortress. We met the first time we both went to school, back in the first grade, and we've been inseparable ever since. We can understand each other perfectly, and sometimes it seems to me that we can even read each other's thoughts! My friend and I always sit together at the same desk at school. We are not bored at any lesson, because my friend is very cheerful and energetic. He can always come up with something interesting or say something that the whole class will laugh at. He's a lot of fun. at recess, we always go to the cafeteria and buy chocolate bars, we both love them. We always try to do our homework together, too, and someone always explains it to someone else if they understand the topic better. And after the completed lessons, we go for a walk. when it's summer outside, we play football on the field that is located near our houses. Sometimes we play basketball or ride bicycles. we live, by the way, also in the neighborhood. In winter, we play snowballs, arrange shootouts or sculpt

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