Each layer of the population had its own. Peasant children played straw and rag dolls, blew in clay whistles and used wooden weapons. Children of the middle classes already had factory toys-tin soldiers, horses from papier-mache, girls played with dolls that had "dowry" - furniture, micro chests, dishes, pillows, blankets, etc. children of aristocrats had the same, but incomparably better qualityУ каждого слоя населения были свои. Крестьянские дети играли соломенными и тряпичными куклами, дули в глинянные свистульки и пользовались деревянным оружием. Дети средних слоев уже имели фабричные игрушки - оловянных солдатиков, лошадок из папье-маше, девочки играли с куклами, у которых было "приданое" - мебель, микросундучки, посуда, подушки, одеяла и т. д. Дети аристократов имели то же самое, но несравненно лучшего качества
Hello Kate. We have already begun the autumn holidays. I'm so excited about this. It was already cold outside. Therefore, you need to dress as warmly as possible. The leaves on the trees were painted yellow and red. And on some trees leaves and does not remain. There was more rain. And we have just finished one. And now there are a lot of puddles on the street. But I love the rain. Maybe even go out for a walk on the street. In general, it's very pleasant to sit at home in the autumn. So I'm going to take cover with a rug and watch a new TV series, a movie or read books that I've long postponed. And we must not forget about studying. To not come to school with an empty head. By the way, I finished a quarter well. Have you already started your fall vacation? And tell me how you spend it. I await your answer. Till