ТЕКСТ ЗАДАНИЯ 10. По данному предложению написать схему этого предложения (прямой речи): Великий писатель Эдисон писал: «Важнейшая задача цивилизации научить человека говорить»,
1. The puppies will be all right. Со щенками будет всё в порядке. Future Simple 2. They have discovered great deposits of coal in our region. В нашем районе открыли большие месторождения угля. Present Perfect 3. Alfred Nobel was a man of many contrasts: a lover of mankind he never had a wife or a family. Альфред Нобель был человеком многих контрастов: любил человечество, но никогда не имел ни жены, ни детей. Past Simple 4. Steam engines are gradually disappearing. Паровые двигатели постепенно исчезают. Present Continuous.
I want to talk about the movie that I like more than any other. This is a very moving film Hachiko. This film is about a dog devotion to the man. Buduyuschy host Hachiko, is the puppy by accident and can no longer part with it. After a while, the owner dies and the Hachiko had already become an adult dog. Hachiko comes every day to the station, where every day saw off the host. He is waiting for the master to return from work. After a few years Hati dies on the spot where he was waiting for the owner.