ТЕКСТ ЗАДАНИЯ I like painting. It makes me very happy. I loved using paint when I was young. I was really good at drawing, even in
elementary school. My school report said I had a talent in art. I won the school painting competition many times.
My friends say painting is difficult. I disagree. All you have to do is pick up a brush and put the paint on the
paper. Anyone can do it. It's child's play.I don't understand why people say they can't paint. For me, it's so easy to
paint. It's the most natural thing in the world to do. My friends say my paintings look so real, and that their
paintings look like children's paintings. I'm not sure why this is. I'm lucky, I guess. I don't know what I would do
without painting. It really helps me to relax.
2.. His friends say painting is
The new year is a wonderful holiday! You give and receive gifts. the whole family gathers around one big table and everyone is in a good mood.
This New year I celebrated in a big family. Were mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, sister (or brother), my friends and myself. We had a big beautiful tree. Under it, we put the gifts with names, not zapoteca. About ten in the evening we opened gifts! My parents gave me a brand new camera! I so long dreamed about it! My friends handed me a Board and computer games. After we went outside to start the fireworks, but my parents won't let me. I only held sparklers. from other places could see the fireworks from different views. There were, and bears, and hearts, and Christmas trees.
This year I met with a good mood because: "How to celebrate New year, so spend it!" Happy New year!
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Лиса – одно из самых хитрых, ловких и осторожных диких животных. В основном она охотится днем, но может легко преследовать добычу ночью. Рыжая хищница видеть в условиях плохой освещенности. А ее гибкие уши улавливают малейший шорох, произведенный зайцем или мышью.Убежать от лисы – непростая задача для мелкого грызуна. Эта опытная охотница очень проворна. Иногда она передвигается со скоростью до 48 км/час. Пышный лисий хвост стал символом охотничьей удачи.Хорошо известно, что лисы – близкие родственники собак и волков. Но рыжие обманщицы также обладают чертами котов. Они умеют втягивать когти. Кроме того, у них вертикальные зрачки в то время, как у других собак они круглые. Но более всего походит на котов серая лисица. Это единственная лиса, которая умеет лазить по деревьям.