Archaeological zone of Chan Chan, Peru The list of" endangered " UNESCO sites included Chan Chan-Chimu cultural center and the largest city of pre-Columbian era in the world. According to the official version, it originated around 1300. In the period of greatest prosperity, the population of Chan Chan was about 60 thousand people! The city was divided into 9 Autonomous districts, with its own temples, houses of ordinary people and palaces. However, now you can see only the remains of religious buildings and residences. Torrential rains, floods and storms destroy the unique mud-brick city. More dangerous than an earthquake. Scientists fear that strong tremors Chan-Chan just can not stand.
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6. Как автор подчёркивает большое волнение Печорина, несмотря на внешнее спокойствие?
7. Печорин пристально наблюдает за Грушницким? Какие его переживания он отмечает с удовольствием, а какие его разочаровывают?
8. Каких действий ждёт от Грушницкого Печорин? В какие условия ставит Грушницкого для этого Печорин?
9. Какие чувства испытывает Печорин к Грушницкому перед своим выстрелом? Как герой пытается повлиять на Грушницкого?
10. Как перед своим выстрелом Печорин вновь пытается примириться с Грушницким? После каких его слов герой стреляет
The list of" endangered " UNESCO sites included Chan Chan-Chimu cultural center and the largest city of pre-Columbian era in the world. According to the official version, it originated around 1300. In the period of greatest prosperity, the population of Chan Chan was about 60 thousand people! The city was divided into 9 Autonomous districts, with its own temples, houses of ordinary people and palaces.
However, now you can see only the remains of religious buildings and residences. Torrential rains, floods and storms destroy the unique mud-brick city. More dangerous than an earthquake. Scientists fear that strong tremors Chan-Chan just can not stand.