It was a long day and a long night. At midnight I was reading a book. I was waking up 6 am and then brushing my teeth.
While my sisters were sleeping, i was packing my lunch to eat it later in school. I was walking there by foot and it was raining. I was looking carefully not to miss the turn to the school building.
At 2 pm i was having my english lesson. While my best friend was studying, i was almost falling asleep, and by the way, it was still raining.
A walk back home was calm, but some raindrops were still falling from the gray sky. While i was taking off my warm coat, my father was making dinner. Later, I was waiting to have a lovely dinner with my family.
после того как родилась моя младшая сестра стало тесновато.
When my younger sister was born, it got crowded.
После того, как родилась моя младшая сестра, стало тесновато.
And this is his younger sister Aubrey.
А это его младшая сестра Обри.
Must be hard for an older brother to watch his younger sister mess with all those boys.
Наверное это тяжело для старшего брата - смотреть, как его младшая сестренка путается со всеми этими парнями.
I have a brother but I've always wanted a younger sister.
У меня есть брат, но я всегда хотел, чтоб у меня была младшая сестра.
No, you need an overprotective younger sister.
Нет, тебе нужна чересчур заботливая младшая сестра.
Her younger sister... she's the real prize.
Ее младшая сестра... просто находка.
My mother had two girls, my younger sister and myself.
У мамы двое дочерей, моя младшая сестра и я.
My younger sister's the same, too.
Моя младшая сестра тоже попала туда.
My younger sister is in love with you.
Моя младшая сестра влюбилась в
It was a long day and a long night. At midnight I was reading a book. I was waking up 6 am and then brushing my teeth.
While my sisters were sleeping, i was packing my lunch to eat it later in school. I was walking there by foot and it was raining. I was looking carefully not to miss the turn to the school building.
At 2 pm i was having my english lesson. While my best friend was studying, i was almost falling asleep, and by the way, it was still raining.
A walk back home was calm, but some raindrops were still falling from the gray sky. While i was taking off my warm coat, my father was making dinner. Later, I was waiting to have a lovely dinner with my family.