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07.09.2020 07:00 •  Английский язык

Test 3 A Grammar
C Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.
e.g. Jane, whose favourite hobby is fencing, also loves swimming.
16 I am talking about the girl
has 19 The girl
hair is cury is my elder
long brown hair and green eyes.
17 This is the skate-park
people 20 2001 was the year
we played in
come to skateboard.
the ches tournament
18 He tried to explain
he did such a

D Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word.
e.s. I thought the film was really disappointing. (disappoint)
24 tane is always
25 tack is
of son care
** In us
21 I found the book really
22 Dad said he was really
2) The lesson was really

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26.05.2022 16:08
Food food is an essential part of our daily life. one famous english saying goes “we are what we eat”, and it’s true. the food we eat can influence our body and our mind. it contains nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates. different products contain different nutrients. for example, we can get lots of vitamins eating fruit and vegetables. as for me, i like salads very much but i don’t like meat products. the food we choose to eat depends on many factors. first and the most important is the taste. if we like the taste of the product, we often eat it. the second factor is its nutritional value. if the product is healthy and useful for our body, we should add it to our ration. other factors include culture and religion. advertising also influences our choices a lot. when we see colourful ads on tv, we decide to try the product. for some people food is just a fuel for energy. for me, it’s a pleasure. i like almost everything, except meat products and spinach. my usual day includes three or four meals. for breakfast, i prefer a cup of tea with a cheese and ham sandwich. sometimes i eat cereal with milk and drink a glass of orange juice. for lunch, i prefer salads from fresh vegetables and a soup. at about 5pm i have a cup of coffee with shortcake. for dinner, i like pasta or rice with vegetables. sometimes i eat french fries and hamburgers but i know that it contains a lot of fat. that’s why i try to cut down on fast food. i also try to it less sugar and salt.на українському їжахарчування є невід'ємною частиною нашого повсякденного життя. одна відома ійська прислів'я говорить «ми те, що ми їмо», і це правда. їжа, яку ми їмо, здатна впливати на наше тіло і наша свідомість. вона містить живильні речовини, такі як білки, вітаміни, мінерали, жири, вуглеводи. різні продукти містять різні поживні речовини. наприклад, ми можемо отримати багато вітамінів, їсти фрукти і овочі. що стосується мене, я дуже люблю салати, але я не люблю м'ясні продукти. їжа, яку вибираємо для їжі залежить від багатьох факторів. першим і найбільш важливим є смак. якщо нам подобається смак продукту, ми часто їмо його. другим чинником є його поживна цінність. якщо продукт є здоровим і корисним для нашого організму, ми повинні додати його в наш раціон. інші фактори включають культуру і релігію. реклама також сильно впливає на наш вибір. коли ми бачимо барвисті оголошення по телевізору, ми вирішуємо спробувати цей продукт. для деяких людей їжа просто як заправка для отримання енергії. для мене це задоволення. мені подобається майже все, крім м'ясних продуктів та шпинату. зазвичай за день у мене три або чотири прийоми їжі. на сніданок я ві перевагу чашку чаю з сендвічем з сиру та шинки. іноді я їм пластівці з молоком і випиваю стакан апельсинового соку. на обід я ві перевагу салати зі свіжих овочів і суп. приблизно в 5 вечора я випиваю чашку кави з пісочним печивом. на вечерю мені подобаються макарони або рис з овочами. іноді я їм картоплю фрі і гамбургери, але я знаю, що вони містять багато жиру. ось чому я намагаюся рідше їсти фаст-фуд. я також намагаюся скоротити вживання цукру та солі.
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30.05.2021 02:06
1.Выпишите предложение содержащие глагол  to be и to have, укажите время. The young man was going (Past Continuous) to marry a beautiful girl.
The young man was (Past Simple) eager to make her a present, so he went to a gift shop.
But they were (Past Simple) very expensive, and as he had (Past Simple) very little money he had to leave (Past Simple) the shop without buying anything.
The salesman got a little surprised but did what the young man had (Past Perfect) asked him to do.  
By the time he entered the room the guests had already gathered. (Past Perfect) Everybody was enjoying the party. (Past Continuous)
Some of the people were dancing, other were talking, joking and laughing. (Past Continuous)
Saying “many happy returns of the day”, the young man told the girl that he had bought (Past Perfect) a small present for her. Suddenly he got pale and said “I am (Present Simple) afraid, I have broken (Present Perfect) it.
There were (Past Simple) so many people in the bus…”
But when he unwrapped the parcel, he saw that the salesman had wrapped (Past Perfect) up each piece of the vase separately.  

2.Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие разные виды местоимений, укажите вид.
One day the girl said him (личное местоимение в объектном падеже) that the next day she would celebrate her (притяжательное местоимение) (притяжательное местоимение) birthday and invited him to her birthday party.
The young man was eager to make her (притяжательное местоимение) a present, so he (личное местоимение) went to a gift shop.
Of all (неопределенное местоимение) the things he particularly liked the vases.
But they (личное местоимение) were very expensive, and as he had very little money he had to leave the shop without buying anything.(неопределенное местоимение) Making for the door he (личное местоимение) suddenly heard a noise: one of the vases fell on the floor and broke to pieces.
A brilliant idea came to his mind (притяжательное местоимение)
He came up to the counter and asked the salesman to wrap up the broken vase he wanted to buy.
The salesman got a little surprised but did what the young man had asked him (личное местоимение в объектном падеже) to do.
By the time he entered the room the guests had already gathered.
Everybody (неопределенное местоимение) was enjoying the party.
Some (неопределенное местоимение) of the people were dancing, other (неопределенное местоимение) were talking, joking and laughing.
Saying “many happy returns of the day”, the young man told the girl that he had bought a small present for her. (притяжательное местоимение)
With these (указательное местоимение) words he began to unwrap the parcel.
Suddenly he (личное местоимение) got pale and said “I (личное местоимение) am afraid, I’ve broken it. (личное местоимение)
But when he unwrapped the parcel, he saw that the salesman had wrapped up each piece of the vase separately.  

3.Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие оборот there is,there are. There were so many people in the bus.

4. Выпишите из текста предложения с определенным и неопределенным артиклем. ПОЧТИ ВЕСЬ ТЕКСТ НУЖНО ПЕРЕПИСАТЬ! Артикли есть в каждом предложении!
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