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07.06.2023 21:51 •  Английский язык

Тест для 9 класса на проверку знаний! )

1) choose the proper words and fill in the blanks.
1. when we were discussing educational systems of different countries we
used … .
a. skills b. scheme c. the ways d. types
2. it is not difficult to use good. … when you are eating.
a. manners b. children c. schemes d. speed
3. people … knowledge about the world.
a. pass b. gain c. expect d. support
4. to transmit a. common cultural heritage is … of general education.
a. made b. received c. the aim d. the design
5. the children are taught skills they will use … their life.
a. above b. throughout c. though d. thought
6. in most countries almost all young people … their general education in
secondary schools.
a. continue b. offer c. include d. specialize
7. the system of education in britain is divided. into three stages: …, secondary, and. further education.
a. vocational b. general c. primary d. special
8. british universities are … corporations, but they are mainly supported. by
public. funds.
a. independent c. various
b. different d. unique
9. each state in the usa. is in … of organizing and. regulating its own system of education.
a. responsible b. nation c. charge d. system
10. high schools, … and. senior, provide secondary education in the usa.
a. primary b. elementary c. junior d. vocational

2) fill in the blanks with the proper grammatical forms.
1. he … this museum the whole morning yesterday.
a. were visiting c. was visiting
b. was being visited d. being visited
2. they … a. composition all morning yesterday.
a. are being written c. was writing
b. is writing d. were writing
3. he … this text very well.
a. was translating c. translate
b. is translated d. is being translated
4. this material … in the article.
a. is being used c. uses
b. use d. were being used
5. at present she … here.
a. were studying c. is studying
b. study d. is being studied
6. the students … these lectures next week.
a. will attending c. attends
b. attending d. will be attending
7. the boys … this newspaper yesterday.
a. was reading c. were reading
b. are reading d. were being read
8. the questions … by the relatives now.
a. were being asked c. was asked
b. being asked d. are being asked
9. you … these questions.
a. were answered c. will answer
b. are answered d. is answering
10. the text about education … by the students tomorrow.
a. were being read. c. will be read
b. read d. will read
3) the text contains different mistakes: 2 — in spelling, 5 — in grammar. correct the mistakes and rewrite the text.
in most western nations, advanced general education is often called liberal education, which aim at broad mentall development, and teach learners to study a problem from diferent sides. the branches of learning that help in these development are called liberal arts. this branches includes the humanities, mathematics, and the biological, physical, and social sciences.
4) answer these multiple-choice questions about science and technology.
1. what stages is formal education in the usa divided into?
a general and special education
b elementary, special, adult education
c elementary, secondary, higher education
2. what stages is formal education in the uk divided into?
a primary, secondary, and further education
b secondary and vocational education
c state and private schools
3. at what age do pupils take gcse examination in the uk?
a between the ages of 5 and 16
b at the age of 15 or 16
c at the age of 11
4. at what age do pupils take gce examination in the uk?
a beyond the age of 16
b between the ages of 14 and 15
c beyond the age of 10
5. what kinds of schools provide secondary education in the usa?
a higher schools
b junior and senior schools
c different kinds of colleges

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24.08.2020 00:55
The history of the Eiffel tower in Paris is. In the late nineteenth century in France was about to celebrate a hundred years of the revolution of 1789. It was decided to organize the world exhibition and its opening to come up with some unique, extraordinary "something" than you can shake the world. And stopped at daring for those times the project of the French engineer Gustave Eiffel. After two years on the left Bank of the Seine rose, skyward, openwork arrow of the tower. The height of the Eiffel tower was reached in 300 metres, while the weight of the tower was 10,000 tons. In continuation of the history of the Eiffel tower in Paris, I note that as is often the case with unusual grandiose projects, at birth metal collosa there a lot of difficulties not only of the technical plan. Influential and respected persons of the French capital openly opposed the implementation of the project of the new construction. Even outstanding masters of culture have not attracted the Eiffel tower. Alexandre Dumas, Charles Gounod, Leconte de Lisle, guy de Maupassant, Sully Prudhomme signed "boiling noble indignation" protest against "useless and monstrous buildings" in the heart of Paris. If you are interested in more detailed history of the Eiffel tower, on the pages of the Internet you can find everything your heart desires. As guy de Maupassant, the master of French literature and a fierce opponent of the Eiffel tower came up with a novel way to see "the ugly skeleton": he simply had dinner in the restaurant of the tower itself! "This is the only place in Paris where I cannot see it". These are the words of the writer. But the story of the Eiffel tower does not end there. The years have passed. And now the Eiffel tower is no longer the object of irritation and an object of admiration. Or slightly less famous than the Palace of Versailles. It began to compose songs and to put her poems. She became a favorite model for artists and photographers. Not only in Europe and America praise famous beauty. In Vietnam, for example, even created a small copy of the Eiffel tower. Today the Eiffel tower is perhaps the most striking symbol of all France, not just Paris. Especially popular Eiffel tower is the representatives of world tourism. Reviews full of enthusiasm. And this is natural. Who wouldn't enjoy the view of the French capital from the height of bird flight. The view from the Eiffel tower is amazing in its splendor. But for this pleasure you have to wait in a decent place. The Creator of the Eiffel tower Gustave Eiffel often with humor responded about their child with these words: "I should feel a sense of jealousy to the tower. Because it is much more famous than me." The Northern "leg" of the tower now there is a gilded bust of the founder of the great creation. "Eiffel: 1832 — 1923". Such is the simple inscription on the bust of the
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22.02.2022 16:32
2) Kate has got a beautitul pointer, hasn't she? 3) Nick and Mike are sitting at the desk, aren't they? 4) He bought two rulers yesterday, didn't he? 5) She will come to school on time, won't she? 6) There is no bookcase in our classroom, is there? 7) They come to school at 8:30, don't they? 8) It is Masha,s classroom, isn't it? 9) There are some books on the table, aren't there? 10) You can see a duster under the blackboard, can't you? 11) The teacher has got pens, hasn't he/she? 11) Masha will come to her classroom tomorrow, won't she?
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