Test Variant 3. Student Djuraeva ST 40 EJL
Active Voice Tenses
Task 1. Change the Tense of the Sentence According to a Time Marker:
1. Tom drinks a tea spoon of mixture every hour.
Vi-drink (irreg.) (when I visited him yesterday, in an hour, for three days already)
2. Ann didn't cough yesterday.
Vi-cough (reg.) (now, tomorrow, since this morning)
3. Has he visited his aunt recently?
Vi-visit (reg.) (these days, when I met you; last week)
Task 1
1) bones
2) outside
3) as a home
4) jewelry
5) food or water
Task 2
1) sorry, don't know
2) computer, TV, phone.
3) No, I don't play any, but I love playing outside.
4) I actually live in Bulgaria now, so I have friend in Russia and Bulgaria (I actually live in Bulgaria now)
5) I don't have any social media and I don't use my phone almost at all. I only use it to call my parents when I go shopping. My parents actually don't really apretiate texting my friends in Moscow, because they write too much like 100 messages every day minumum. (Everything I wrote is true)