ТЕСТ Выберите ответ который соответствует действительности:
1. Only the cadets of the navigation department have shipboard training
b) false
2. The future еnginеегs must know how to lubricate and repair the engine-room equipment
a) true b) false
3. The cadets of mагitimе colleges have training оп board training vessels
a) true b) false
4. Тhе cadets of the navigation department don't keep watch at the wheel
a) true b) false
5. The cadets of the engineering department keep watch and relieve еасh other of watch every eight hours
a) true b) false
II. Выберите правильный вариант перевода:
1. нести вахту
a) keep watch c) keep of the watch
b) keep the watch d) keep of watch
2. мыть и лопатить палубу
a) wash and scrub deck c) wash and scrub decks
b) wash and scrub the deck d) wash and scrub of the deck
3. определять местоположение судна
a) define of the ship's position c) define the ship's position
b) to define the ship position d) define the ship's of position
4. использовать средства
a) use the life-saving appliances c ) use life-saving the appliances
b) to use life-saving of appliances d) to use life-saving appliances
5. плавательская практика
a) shipboaгdtгaining c) ship’s tгaining
b) shipboaгd of tгaining d) boaгd’stгaining
III.Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:
1. The Third Engineer (to keep watch) in the engine-room tomorrow
a) keep c) will keep
b) keeps d) is keeping
2. The Second Оffiсег (to define) the ship's position at the moment
a) is defining c) will define
b) definedd) defines
3. Our electrician (to repair) the рumр last Wednesday
a) repair c) will repair
b) is repairing d) repaired
4. The boatswain (to order) the sailors to paint the hull yesteгday
a) order c) will order
b) is ordering d) ordered
5. Cadets sometimes (to have) their training оп board merchant ships
a) have c) will have
b) is having d) has
IV.Выберите правильный вариант перевода:
1. I’ll keep watch оn the navigating bridge
a) я нес вахту на капитанском мостике
b) я буду нести вахту на капитанском мостике
c) я буду нести вахту на мосту
d) я несу вахту на капитанском мостике
2. WiII you change the ship's course?
a) вы будете менять курс судна? c) вы будете измерять курс судна?
b) вы не будете менять курс судна? d) вы будете менять курс судна
3. What is the Master doing?
a) что будет делать капитан? c) что сделал капитан?
b) что делает капитан? d) что не сделал капитан
4. Who will bе responsible for the safety equipment?
a) Кто ответственный за оборудование?
b) Что сделал капитан?
c) Кто будет ответственный за оборудование?
d) Что не сделал капитан
5. Motorman will maintain the engine.
a) Моторист чинит двигатель
b) Моторист чинит двигатель в данный момент
c) Моторист будет осматривать двигатель
d) Mоторист осмотрит двигатель
V.Выберите правильную обязанность для членов экипажа судна:
1. the Master
a) to paint the hull c) to give commands
b) to unload the cargo d) to tune the radio devices
2. the Radio-Officer
a) to lubricate the pumps c) to tune the radio devices
b) to give commands d) to make entries into the log-book
3. the motormen
a) to paint the hull
b) to ргерагеfог the departure
c) to regulate the navigational equipment
d) to overhaul the main engine
4. the pumpman
a) to unload the cargoc) to repair the air-conditioning system
b) to plot the coursed) to lubricate the pumps
5. the sailors
a) to unload the cargo c) to talk to а pilot
b) to wash and scrub the deck d) to plot the course
VI.Вставьте глагол в PastContinuous:
1. We found the Third Officer there who ___were___ making entries into the log-book
a) were c) was
b) isd) am
2. Sailors were___ working
a) were c) was
b) is d) am
3. The Second Radio Officer ___is tuning the emergency transmitter
a) were c) was
b) is d) am
4. The motor-men ___was lubricating the pumps
a) were c) was
b) is d) am
5. The Second Engineer was_ overhauling the main engine and the Third Engineer ___was regulating the air-conditioning system.
a) were c) was
b) is d) am
In 2003, Bethany has won several competitions, and was planning to become a professional surfer. Then, one sunny October morning, she was surfing with his friends on the beach in Kauai district, Hawaii. Suddenly, four-meter tiger shark attacked her, tearing her hand.
Most people would become very depressed after such a tragedy, but Bethany struck everyone. They could not believe their eyes when they saw her return to her surfboard just three weeks after his terrible experience. It was not easy, however. Apart from the difficulties of learning to surf with one hand, she also had to deal with her fear that once again the shark attack. "It's always on my mind," she says, and it always will be, but I have to keep thinking about something fun and easy surfing.
Bethany not only champion serfengu, but her positive attitude is also a source of inspiration for many. She was even in Thailand, to help children who have experienced the 2004 tsunami, with their fear of water. Sometimes, Bethany asks himself: "Why me?" but then she thinks that her experience helped her to get better. Bethany's motto - "I will never quit Yes!"
5:30 in the morning, and fifteen Tom Conaway already sitting motionless in the wetlands of California in anticipation of the wild animals, to capture them. Soon, thousands of birds are beginning to quack loudly, and Tom was lucky enough to be able to take them up close in their natural habitat. But what makes Tom different from any other filmmaker-wannabe?
When Tom Conaway was only four years old, the car in which he was traveling rolled down from the mountain. He was thrown out of the window, and his spine was severely bruised. Since then, his brain can no longer send impulses to parts of his body, to tell them to move. But Tom does not waste time trying to feel sorry for yourself. "I'll be in a wheelchair for life," he says, "but I think I was lucky. Really. I mean, I've been through a terrible accident and not hurt the brain."
One afternoon, about two years after the accident, dad Tom realized that photography was his hobby, which they both can share. So, Doug Conaway camera tied to a chair Tom so that he could shoot the game Football brother. Now Tom uses a "helmet cam" for the shooting, or the father sets up the camera on a tripod, and Volume controls it through a wireless remote control while watching the camera to a DVD-player screen in his lap. Tom even sees his disability as a secret force that helps him on the set. The fact that it "easy" to sit still means that he can shoot the animals without scaring them! Positive attitude of Tom's amazing. "Everyone passes through the bumps in the road, which need to get used to," he says. "The fact that I'm in a wheelchair - it just bumps in the road"
Благодаря действию ядерных сил две частицы (два ядра или ядро и нуклон) при сближении до расстояний порядка 10−13 см вступают между собой в интенсивное ядерное взаимодействие, приводящее к преобразованию ядра. Этот процесс называется ядерной реакцией. Во время ядерной реакции происходит перераспределение энергии и импульса обеих частиц, которое приводит к образованию нескольких других частиц, вылетающих из места взаимодействия.
Известно много различных типов реакций. В зависимости от частиц, вызывающих реакции, их можно классифицировать на реакции под действием нейтронов, под действием заряженных частиц и под действием γ-квантов. Последние идут под действием не ядерного, а электромагнитного взаимодействия, но также относятся к ядерным реакциям, т. к. взаимодействие происходит в области ядра и приводит к его преобразованию. К ядерным реакциям можно отнести и кулоновское возбуждение ядра, т.е. изменение его внутреннего состояния за счет электромагнитного взаимодействия с заряженной частицей (без попадания частицы в ядро).
Отметим, что именно ядерные реакции дают наиболее широкую информацию о свойствах ядер. Поэтому изучение ядерных реакций является самой главной задачей ядерной физики