тестових завдань ^-^
1) …. I went to bed, I had turned the radio.
a) after
b) by
c) for
d) before
2) In field hockey players use a stick…the ball into the goal.
a. to hit
b. to watch
c. to score
d. to play
3) She was very glad because she... excellent results.
a)has got
b)had got
c)was given
4) Natural disasters teach us to be … to the other people and to our planet- the Earth.
a. indifferent
b. attractive
c. merciful
d. pleased
5) If you do a lot of exercises, you will…
a. get fit
b. score
c. lose
d. draw
6) For security reasons, always log … when you leave your computer unattended for any period of time.
a) on
b) in
c) up
d) out
7) ... is a severe winter storm condition characterized by low temperatures and strong winds.
a. blizzard
b. a drought
C. a wildfire
D. a landslide
8) He… if you ask him.
a. come
b. comes
c. will come
d. came
9) Nearly 40 million … each year attend matches.
a. visitors
b. coaches
c. guides
d. spectators
10) Natural disasters began to occur with increasing… .
a. frequency
b. information
c. damage
d. cause
11) A lot of outstanding painters were … by the beauty of Ukrainian nature.
a) inspired
b) influenced
c) caused
d) devoted
12) In the final minute Germany … the match thanks to a penalty.
a. won
b. kicked
c. drew
d. beat
мій найкращий день
це було влітку! був дуже теплий вечір. я прогулювалася по алеї. цей день закарбувався мені на довго. незнаю чому.
це був звичайний день, але мене переповнювали чудові почуття. спогади з дитинства затьмарили голову.
вечір був теплий і вітер приємно торкався шкіри. склалося враження ніби це був сон. може це справді так?
і це всеодно буде мій улюблений день. найкращий день.
my best day
it was summer! was a very warm evening. I walked along the alley. this day impressed me for a long time. do not know why.
It was a normal day, but I was overwhelmed wonderful feeling. memories from childhood marred head.
evening was warm and pleasant wind touch skin. impression as if it was a dream. Could this really so?
and it will still be my favorite