Комната, которую я занимаю, – просторная, светлая. Окна занавешены белоснежным тюлем в обрамлении портьер светлого коричневого оттенка. Обои, желтые с оранжевым, напоминают свет солнца, что всегда хорошему настроению. Мебели – минимум. В левом углу – письменный стол, а возле него – комод. Шкаф и софа – справа, а возле двери стоит пуфик. Стены увешаны разнообразными фото. На одних запечатлены собственные путешествия и походы, на других – достопримечательности городов русских, попавшие в объектив моего фотоаппарата. Красочные снимки рассказывают о спусках по рекам Карелии: потрясающие закаты и восходы, и пенные потоки, и радостные лица друзей у костра. Все фото, как музейные экспозиции, время от времени обновляю. Для того чтобы друзьям было интересно бывать у меня, да и самому разнообразить жизнь. Знакомые называют визиты ко мне экскурсиями. А мне очень приятно их проводить.(вот)
1. Last year at this time we were travelling through Italy. 2. They repaired my car for a month. 3. I was watching a football game when you called. 4. We were just crossing the street when a truck drove through the red light. 5. He was paying off the taxi driver, when he saw Jane on the other side of the street. She was buying a newspaper at a kiosk. 6. We were standing in line for tickets when it suddenly started to rain. 7. What was she wearing that evening? - She was wearing a black evening dress. 8. When I called, your wife said you were working in the garage. 9. Why did you laugh when he was telling you something? 10. We were writing a dictation when the headmaster and a policeman came into the classroom.
2. They repaired my car for a month.
3. I was watching a football game when you called.
4. We were just crossing the street when a truck drove through the red light.
5. He was paying off the taxi driver, when he saw Jane on the other side of the street. She was buying a newspaper at a kiosk.
6. We were standing in line for tickets when it suddenly started to rain.
7. What was she wearing that evening? - She was wearing a black evening dress.
8. When I called, your wife said you were working in the garage.
9. Why did you laugh when he was telling you something?
10. We were writing a dictation when the headmaster and a policeman came into the classroom.