Text lucy goes home alone шиаиу lucy goes home alone. she lives not far from the office, so she doesn't go home by car, by bus or by metro, she goes home on foot. lucy has ъ good family. her parents are nice people. lucy loves them. her father is a lawyer and her mother is a tv journalist. ohe is
a very beautiful woman.lucy has a sister anda brother. her sister is 15 years old. she goes to school, teams english and plays the piano. her brother is only 6 years old. he doesn't go to school, and he stays at home. he likes to watch tv, to listen to the music, and to sing nice songs. when lucy
comes home, her sister is usually at her friends, and her brother plays games in his room. she goes into the kitchen and has dinner with her parents. lucy's father asks her about her work and her problems, and lucy answers his questions. lucy's mother cooks meat or fish with vegetables for dinner,
then they have tea or coffee together. after dinner lucy goes into her room, closes the door and speaks to her boy-friend on the phone. sometimes her colleagues max and alex phone her in the evening. they ask her: « lucy, why do you go home alone? » 5.27 ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
i. does lucy usually go home alone? 2. does lucy live not far from the office? 3. does she go home by bus? 4. does lucy have a good family? 5. are her parents nice people? 6. what is her father? 7. what is her mother? 8. does lucy have a sister? 9. how many brothers does lucy have? 10. how
old is lucy's sister? ii. how old is lucy's brother? 12. does lucy's sister go to school? 13. does she learn english and play the piano? 14. does lucy's brother go to school? 15. does he stay at home? 16. what does he like to do? 17. what does lucy usually do when she comes home? 18. what
does her father ask her about? 19. who cooks fish, meet and vegetables for dinner? 20. what does lucy usually do after dinner? 21. why does lucy speak to her boy-friend on the phone every evening? 22. who phones her sometimes in the evening? 23. what do lucy's colleagues ask her? 24. why do
they ask her this question?
All big old cities have legends. One of the Moscow legends is like the library that belonged to the Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Some people believe that there were 800 books in the Tsar’s library and that they were written in Latin and ancient Greek. Back in those days, books were very expensive, and so the Tsar kept his library away from people’s eyes.
Перевод текста:У всех больших старых городов есть легенды. Одна из московских легенд похожа на библиотеку, принадлежавшую царю Ивану Грозному. Некоторые люди считают, что в царской библиотеке было 800 книг и что они были написаны на латыни и древнегреческом языке. В те времена книги были очень дорогими, поэтому царь держал свою библиотеку подальше от глаз людей.
На русском языке: Окружающая природа полна сюрпризов. В один день будет светить ясное солнце, в другой пойдёт дождь. Или например увидел в лесу ягоду "Очень красивая" - скажешь ты. Но ты не знаешь, что это ягода, может и хуже мухомора быть. Или же: сегодня вытер пыль, завтра опять вытирай. Эх, природа и вправду полна сюрпризов! Но несмотря на это, природу надо всё равно любить. А то знай, опять будет сюрприз какой-нибудь.
на английском языке: The surrounding nature is full of surprises. In one day the clear sun will shine, in another it will rain. Or, for example, I saw the berry "Very Beautiful" in the forest - you say. But you do not know that this is a berry, it can be worse than a fly agaric. Or: wiped the dust today, wipe it again tomorrow. Oh, nature is really full of surprises! But despite this, nature must still be loved. And then you know, again there will be some kind of surprise
PS во многой грамматике не уверен.