1. They were in… earnest conversation. …From time to…time they would halt and one …of them would explain something to… the other who, in… turn, would nod his head. 2. He reached his house at… midnight and stared at… her in… amazement. 3. She made a great impression on… me. 4. Just before Christmas they decided to pass through… London on… their way to… Paris. 5. He wrote his resignation …as the chairman …of the board of… directors, in… order that he should be prepared to hand it to… him at… once. 5. Two young girls in… red came …in . 6. I beg your pardon for… calling you …by your name. 7. He will suffer no one to interfere in… his business.
Have done дети сделали домашнее задание. Теперь они могут пойти на каток
Have you ever been Ты когда-нибудь был в Warsaw? Was да, я был там в году
Have already sent Я уже отправил телеграм
Sent я отправил телеграм вчера
Didn't see Я не видел его в январе
Haven't seen Я не видел его с января
Havent received мы давно не получали от неё писем
Went они ходили в поход три дня назад
Have seen Я только что его видел
Saw я видела его в 1993
Have you had breakfast Ты уже позавтракал? When did you have Когда Ты завтракал
When did you arrive Когда Ты приехал в Москву
Fell asleep он уснул в половине седьмого
Have known Я знаю этот инженера с тех пор как я начал работать на заводе
Have written наконец я написал сочинение, теперь я пойду гулять
2. He reached his house at… midnight and stared at… her in… amazement.
3. She made a great impression on… me.
4. Just before Christmas they decided to pass through… London on… their way to… Paris.
5. He wrote his resignation …as the chairman …of the board of… directors,
in… order that he should be prepared to hand it to… him at… once.
5. Two young girls in… red came …in .
6. I beg your pardon for… calling you …by your name.
7. He will suffer no one to interfere in… his business.