The Changing Face of Transportation Humans have always been searching for quicker and easier ways to get around . About 10,000 years ago , we built canoes made from logs of wood , while on land we domesticated and started riding horses around 4,000 BC . Roughly 500 years later , we invented the wheel , which led to carts and wagons , and at almost the same time , the Egyptians invented the sailing boat . Up until the 18th century most people travelled by sailing boat , horse or stagecoach , but in 1769 , there was a major breakthrough when the Scottish inventor James Watt invented the steam engine . In 1783 , the French inventor Claude de Jouffroy used this technology to build the first steamboat , and in 1804 the Englishman Richard Trevithick constructed the first steam - powered train . Railways helped carry coal around Britain and were an important part of the Industrial Revolution . Another major breakthrough came when Kari Benz built the first working car in 1885. Then , in 1903. Orville and Wilbur Wright built the first aeroplane . These two inventions shaped the 20th century . Over time , cars and plane travel became cheaper so that by the 70s a lot of families owned a car and many were holldaying abroad . Also , the 20th century saw the first man in space - Yuri Gagarin in 1961 - and the world was watching when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969 . Nowadays , companies are developing self - driving cars and we will soon be able to take trips into space . The fascinating story of transportation continues and who knows how we'll be getting around in the future . 1The first means of transport
people built were
2 The invention of the wheel
allowed us to make
3 The Industrial Revolution
relied on the invention of
4 Throughout the 20th century
travel by car and plane
5 in the future, people will be
able to travel
лондон- столица великобритании, один из самых посещаемых городов мира. он полон интереснейшими достопримечательностей, богат как новыми так и древними архитектурными зданиями. самыми извесными постойками являются биг бен , альберт-холл, британский музей, музей Шерлока Холмса и многое другое. Туристы приезжая в город спешат посетить все известнейшие достопримечательности.
1. radio (war -война)
2. tv
3 cat
6. art
7. I + zar
8. plane - самолёт
9. lamp + parrot
w a r a d i o c o a - war + radio - война + радио
a t v d e f g o r r - телевизор+ xoдить - tv + go
t r c a t h i o a m - кошка - cat
c i r c l e g k n c - круг - circle
d a j k c d l e g h - нога - leg
o n m s q u a r t i - искусство - art
l l v w x y s z a r - я царь - I + zar
a e r o p l a n e c - аэроплан - a e r o p l a n e
p a r r o t l a m p - попугай + лампа - parrot + lamp