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The computer that began it all

at the science museum in london photographers try to get pictures of an old-fashioned black computer and keyboard. it doesn’t look particularly special. but this computer was the machine that was used by british computer scientist sir tim berners-lee to create the world wide web back in 1989.

in the beginning, there was no big plan to change the world. the only idea was to improve communication between the thousands of scientists working for cern (the european organization for nuclear research). sir tim was a 34-year-old physics graduate working as a software engineer at cern in switzerland in 1989. he saw the need for ‘a universal linked information system’, a way of using networks of computers to talk to each other. to do this, he created the first ever web browser. this web browser became the world wide web. sir tim thought of this name in 1990. before that, probably not very seriously, he had considered the name the information mine, or t.i.m. for short.

in 1993, cern allowed the technology to be freely used by all. and, within a few years, millions of people worldwide were using it. now there are more than 600 million websites worldwide and the web has changed things forever. people are able to access information and share things in a way which was not possible before. it has provided a new dimension of communication. and it’s enormous. billions of people are online every day. hundreds of millions of messages and pictures are sent and billions of dollars are spent every day by online shoppers.

today, sir tim believes we need to defend the principles that have made the web successful, and to continue expanding the possibilities of the web. the main principle is that the web should continue to be free for everybody to use and participate in. sir tim is optimistic about its future. he still believes that if you’ve got a bright idea for the web, you can make it happen. you don’t have to ask anyone. you should just do it.

but the web is not perfect. some people think that the internet reflects the best and worst of people. but whatever people think, sir tim’s old computer is going to be a star attraction at the science museum because the web is so significant to people’s lives. many people will want to see the first web server, the first machine in the world to ever deliver a webpage.

answer the questions. write down 5 combinations of numbers and letters with a comma

example answer: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b

1. people are taking photos of a computer at the science museum because

a. it's very old.

b. a fam ous scientist uses it.

c. it has historic importance.

2. the original idea of the world wide web was

a. to allow communication between a group of computers.

b. to make information free all around the world

c. to connect all the scientists in switzerland

3. the world wide web has always

a. been free.

b. been open for the whole world to use.

c. had billions of users.

4. sir tim berners-lee believes

a. the future does not look good for the world wide web

b. it is dangerous that everyone can use the world wide web.

c. everyone should be part of the future world wide web.

5. the author thinks

a. the web is nothing special because it belongs to everyone.

b. the web is a perfect invention.

c. sir tim's computer will be a popular exhibit.

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08.05.2022 07:51
Shopping and entertainment center "the Island" - the largest shopping area in the region, lies to the West of the city, in the former house-building plant, in a ten-minute transport accessibility from the Central part of the city. Designed for residents of the Western area of the city, where about two hundred thousand people. The largest tenants include the electronics hypermarket Eldorado, supermarket "Food," furniture supermarket "Mebelgrad", a children's supermarket "Bublgum", cinema "cinema World", entertainment center "Asteroid", a supermarket of household goods "Yuterra." In addition, there is a pharmacy, dry cleaner, photography Studio, dentist's office, beauty salon, Bank, medical office, ATM.
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19.04.2020 04:02
Мода - неотделимая часть нашей жизни Nowdays more and more people start thinking about fashion. They say we usually judge strangers by the clothes they wear, because it is the only thing we know about them. To begin with, you clothes reflect your social status. It goes without saying that if you are a business lady you should be dressed appropriately. To put it in another way, if a person is a head of a company, it is preferable to him to wear well branded clothes. Psychologically, people spend so much time on fashion and buying clothes to forget about different life problems. That is tosay, shopping for clothes can be a good therapy in case of life troubles. However, it is not worth a sacrifice if you are a shopoholic and buy everything you see; the feeling of style and good taste are surely important. As opposed to above ideas, some people argue that our clothes should be similar to our soul, and that it is not necessary to spend amounts of money on designer clothes. However, I am inclined to believe that fashionable clothes reflect our soul greatly, besides it is extremely good-looking. All in all, fashion is an inseparable part of our life and there are no bad points in purchasing expensive designer clothes if you can afford it. Перевод: Сегодня все больше и больше людей начинают задумываться о моде. Мы судим незнакомцев по тому, что на них надето, потому что это единственное, что мы о них знаем на данный момент. Для начала, одежда отражает ваш социальный статус. Подразумевается, что если вы бизнесвумен, то вы должны быть одеты соответствующе. Или, другой пример, если человек - глава крупной компании, ему предпочтительнее носить брендовую одежду. Психологически, люди тратят много времени и денег на одежду, чтобы забыть о разных рутинных проблемах. Стоит сказать, что шоппинг может быть хорошей терапией в случае каких-либо жизненных разочарований. Тем не менее, это не стоит того, если вы шопоголик и покупаете все, что попадается вам на глаза; чувство стиля и хороший вкус жизненно важны в этом деле. В противовес высказанным идеям, некоторые люди говорят, что одежда должна отражать нашу душу, и что нет никакой необходимости тратить целые состояния на дизайнерскую одежду. Тем не менее, я привыкла считать, что модная одежда как нельзя лучше отражает наше душевное состояние, кроме того, она привлекательно выглядит. В заключение, мода - неотделимая часть нашей жизни, и нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы одеваться дорого и стильно, если вы можете себе это позволить.
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