The Downside of Mobile Devices Distraction by mobile devices is indeed something to worry about. Jeffrey Kuznekoff studies communications at Miami University Middletown in Ohio. For one recent project, he let college students take notes during a video lecture. Afterward the students took a test on the material. During the video, one group of students could text or tweet about anything. Another group could text and tweet only if the messages related to the lecture. A control group couldn’t text or tweet at all. “Texting on things that are unrelated to class can hurt student learning,” Kuznekoff found. Overall, the control and class-related-message groups did 70 percent better on the test than did students that could text and tweet about anything. That control and relevant-message groups also scored 50 percent higher on note-taking. “You’re putting yourself at a disadvantage when you are actively engaged with your mobile device in class and not engaged in what’s going on,” warns Kuznekoff. His team shared its findings in the July 2015 issue of Communication Education. Those findings mesh with what college students themselves report. Another new study found that the more time students said that they typically text, use social media or read online during class, the lower their grades are. “A lot of students tend to think that they are good at multitasking,” or doing more than one thing at a time, says Saraswathi Bellur. She’s a communications researcher at the University of Connecticut (UConn) in Storrs. In fact, she and her colleagues found, multitasking in class “is likely to harm their academic performance.” “We also have data that show that people who multitask during class or while doing homework have to spend more time studying,” notes UConn coauthor Kristine Nowak. In other words, she argues, students who use mobile devices for something other than research or note- taking during class “are not efficient, and it is costing them time.” Concludes Nowak, “People believe they are better at multitasking than they are and this is leading them to bad study habits.”Her group shared its findings in the December 2015 issue of Computers in Human Behavior. Прочтите следующие предложения, относящиеся к тексту «Обратная сторона мобильных устройств». Написать: Верно, Неверно или Не указано для каждого предложения
Statements True/False/ Not Given
1 The research provides evidence that there are noconcerns related to mobile apps.
2 Three involved groups were exposed to equalconditions.
3 One of the female researchers found out,multitasking in class “is likely to harm peerrelationships.”
4 Students’ academic multitasking could result inthe inescapable lack of time.
Сопоставьте слова с их определениями.
1.distraction a. to perform more than one task at a time
2. unrelated b. something that gets your attention and prevents you from concentrating on something else
3. relevant c. to attract and keep someone’s interest or attention
4. engage d. directly connected with and important to what is being discussed or considered5. multitasking e. something that works well and produces good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way
6. efficient f. not connected to a subject that you are thinking about or discussing
Посетитель: Здравствуйте! Я бы хотел заказать одну порцию салата цезаря, одного вареного рака с чесночным соусом и бутылочку дорогого вина которое у вас есть.
Официант: Хорошо все будет.
Официант: Вот ваш заказ. Приятного аппетита!
Посетитель: Благодарю.
Посетитель: Официант!
Официант: Да конечно вас что-то беспокоит?
Посетитель: Почему в моем салате цезаре лежит волос и ноготь?!
Официант: Простите Мы сейчас все исправим.
Посетитель: Приведите мне сюда повара!
Официант: Да да конечно, сейчас одну минуту.
Посетитель: Вы меня извините конечно, но почему в моем салате лежит волос и ноготь?!
Повар: Это какое-то недоразумение! Все было чисто когда я заправлял салат соусом.
Посетитель: Я только что сам нашел в салате эту всю гадость, и вы мне еще говорите что это какое-то недоразумение!
Повар не нервничаейте. Мы вам сейчас все заменим.
Посетитель: Я требую возврат денег!
Официант: Мы вам вернем деньги и заменим салат.
The lesson always begins with the building. Then run Yasmine, and surprisingly game.Tell me what lesson you can play the ball? There is no such you say,except physical education. Here and I about. This lesson will not be polls, long notes and twos for unfulfilled homework.And the building regulations, a joy.This, in turn, and rivalries with friends from class,and how physically developed you are.We all know that sports people are almost sick because you exercise. Gym class is always interesting.