The european convention on human rights is an international human rights
document that was first drafted by the council of europe. the year that the
european convention on human rights was written was in 1950. this document
came shortly after the universal declaration of human rights, which is arguably
the most noted international document as it pertains to human rights. the udhr
was passed in the united nations, with a vote of 48-0-8. the idea of the european
convention on human rights was "aimed to achieve greater international unity in
recognising the equal rights of men and women, and to incorporate the traditions of
civil liberty. it came into force on 3 september 1953.the adoption of the
convention by the council of europe was the first step in implementing the
declaration of human rights in writing” (guardian, 2014). the european
convention on human rights is currently one of the most important human rights
documents, particularly with regards to countries in europe.
the echr is focused on a variety of human rights. for example, there is a strong
concentration on different rights and individual human freedoms. in fact, " there
are 17 key articles relating to rights and freedoms in the convention outlined in
section 1 article 2-18, which include: 2) the right to life; 3) prohibition of torture;
4) the prohibition of slavery and forced labour; 5) the right to liberty and security;
6) the right to a fair trial; 7) no punishment without law; 8) the right to respect for
private and family life; 9) freedom of thought, conscience and religion and 10)
freedom of expression” guardian, 2014).
i. make a list of necessary vocabulary. clola
ii. add the missing words: mouwbie 1000
1. the 3 september 1953 was the day when it force.
2. the first step was adoption the convention the council of europe.
3. there are 17 key articles relating rights and freedoms in the convention
outlined section 1 article 2-18.
4. the main idea the european convention human rights was to achieve
greater international unity.
5. the convention was written 1950.
iii. answer the questions to the text:
1. what is the convention on the human rights? is it an important document?
2. what article, do you think, is the most important?
3. when did it come into force and why was it the first step in implementing
the declaration of human rights in writing?
4. how do you think is the declaration really important and how can it
influence a person's life? explain your answer.
ответить на 2 и 3
Школа відіграє динамічну роль в розвитку соціальних навичок, які допомагають учням вчитись та комфортно взаємодіяти з вчителями, однолітками і батьками. Більше того, школи також навчають учнів навичкам здорових стосунків і допомагають їх розвивати у подальших взаємодіях.
Основа емоційної і соціальної зрілості дитини лежить на плечах школи, після закінчення якої дитина зможе вільно себе почувати у всіх сферах життя. Ігнорування емоційного та соціального розвитку породжує особливо обдарованих дорослих людей, яким приходиться складно в повсякденному житті через брак соціальних навичок. Школи розуміють важливість часу, тому роблять розвиток цих навичок значною частиною навчальної програми.В одній з найкращих середніх шкіл в Делі – Genesis Global School – розуміють, що навчальні досягнення не є альтернативою формування характеру. Такі школи пропонують разом з класичною академічною програмою уроки співчуття, поваги, співпереживання та доброчесності. Такі основні правила як «Завжди питай дозволу, перед тим як зайти в клас» і «Піднімай руку, щоб запитати» є першими кроками до формування характеру
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
1. Karen watched her dad when she was girl.
2. After karts, Karen raced rally cars.
3. Motor racing is massive (=very popular) in the UK.
4. In the future, more women will become racing drivers.
5. Karen hasn't got a lot of money this year.
6. Her dad needs to find more sponsors this year.
Ex. 4
1. Which football team do you support?
2. I love learning new sports. I want to have a go at everything once.
3. She competed in the championship. She won!
4. My brother loves motorbike racing.
5. The situation was quite serious. He broke his leg.
6. The crowd cheered.The atmosphere was amazing.