The frozen extremes of the earth The Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south are at opposite ends of the planet, but they are similar in many ways. Both are lands of ice and snow, where the temperature in winter can be so low that your skin can freeze in seconds - it can be as low as -80°C. Very few animals are able to survive these conditions, but there are some both in the north and in the south. The Arctic has more plants and animals than the Antarctic, including polar bears, the largest bear in the world. In the south there are no land animals because of the extreme cold, but there are penguins and other sea animals that live on or near the coast - although both in the north and the south the sea is frozen for much of the year. One difference between the Arctic and the Antarctic is the human population. In parts of the Arctic there are towns and villages. Greenland, for example, the largest island in the world, has a population of 55,000 people. Many of these people wor
ответ:Однажды я попала в стану маленьких гномов . Они были очень смешные и маленькие, у всех были колпаки . Самый главный был тот у кого был красный колпак . Живут они в шахте и добывают разные ископаемые . Но ископаемые не как у нас нефть или уголь. Они добывают цветные камни . Например самый редкий- синий , редкий -зелёный , обычный- красный . Я была очень удивлена , они даже подарили мне много красных и зелёных камней а ещё 2 синий . Я из поблагодарила . Они пригласили меня домой на ужин . На столе были разные вкусности о которых можно только мечтать . Как только я села за стол мне на голову что-то упало ... И оказалось ,что я спала . А на голову мне упало яблоко так как я спала под яблоней . Я очень расстроилась ,но я н когда не забуду тот сон. Надеюсь я ещё раз попаду в ту страну маленьких гномов.
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I started reading the book early. Sometimes they took me too much time, but also gave much more in return. Outside world, the secrets of nature, I learned from the book. Several times I have re-read the wonderful pages of the novel by English writer Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe."
"The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe," told me about how to survive alone "sailor from York." Once shipwrecked on a desert island, he was able to live on it twenty-eight years, first alone and then with a savage Friday. He mastered the island and started farming. Robinson Crusoe is a detailed account of how to equip your life. In an effort to provide for themselves the necessities of life, he worked hard and the work is beginning to dispel the despair that engulfed him after a shipwreck. Robinson recalls his former life and refers to reading the Bible, which he managed to capture the ship. Robinson Crusoe did for a conclusion that all the ills that have happened to him - this is a punishment for his sins, the main thing - for disobeying her parents. Once alone with nature, the hero of the work was able to see all their flaws. In his new position, he distinguishes between "good" and "evil."
It is an eternal topic for everyone. "Evil" - is the cause of all ills. "Good" always does wonders in life and makes people happy. Many of these books teach me Wisdom