The future perfect
or the future continuous form of the verbs in
1.Great. (you / come) by coach or
2.By train. Could you pick me up at the station? I
(wait) outside.
3.Sure. I (drive) a yellow car.
4.Great! By the next meeting I (take)
my test and I (come) in my own car –
I hope!
5.Good luck! How are the reports going?>
I (finish) them by the time I leave.
6.Rosie (print) all of it off by then too.
7.So, we (discuss) all the
points at the meeting?
c. завершите мелкую прополку пантеонтерированной формой варте в брате
Привет, Сью
извините, у меня не было возможности поговорить с вами вчера. я 13)
все утро на экзаменах. Я пытался позвонить, когда закончил, но моя сестра
(болтать) по телефону часами и не повесить трубку,
возился по дому. а маме 15) (печь) торты для
деревенская ярмарка ей. Затем я отцу держать собаку
а ему 17)
(мыть его
Я звонил тебе около 9, но твоя линия была занята. кто 18)
(вы / говорите)? не отвечайте на это, я просто любопытный! в любом случае позвони мне завтра так
мы можем поговорить о выходных.
( )
[c. zavershite melkuyu propolku panteonterirovannoy formoy varte v brate
Privet, S'yu
izvinite, u menya ne bylo vozmozhnosti pogovorit' s vami vchera. ya 13)
vse utro na ekzamenakh. YA pytalsya pozvonit', kogda zakonchil, no moya sestra
(boltat') po telefonu chasami i ne povesit' trubku,
vozilsya po domu. a mame 15) (pech') torty dlya
derevenskaya yarmarka, 1 16) (pomogite) yey. Zatem ya pomog ottsu derzhat' sobaku
a yemu 17)
(myt' yego
YA zvonil tebe okolo 9, no tvoya liniya byla zanyata. kto 18)
(vy / govorite)? ne otvechayte na eto, ya prosto lyubopytnyy! v lyubom sluchaye pozvoni mne zavtra tak
my mozhem pogovorit' o vykhodnykh.
(6 ballov)]
1. Digital Marketing Specialist
The marketing industry is one of many that has seen phenomenal changes over the last decade and it continues to develop constantly. Go back a decade and most marketing was offline. We had email alright, but the implementation of the likes of social media marketing, search marketing and all of the other strands of digital marketing were non-existent. Now? It’s completely revamped and providing exciting new opportunities all the time.
2. Social Media Manager
Social media was very much in its infancy a decade ago. Facebook had been launched but was still exclusive to Harvard students. The short-lived Bebo hadn’t come into existence yet. LinkedIn was just a year old but had yet to take off properly. Twitter was a few years away. Now, almost three-quarters of online adults are on social media in some shape or form. This brought with it jobs like a social media manager, whose sole responsibility is the management of a company’s social networks. The importance of social media has only been recognised in the last few years and, luckily for those in digital, has brought with it plenty of jobs.