1. How many kilograms of baggage are you allowed to carry at no extra charge? 2. Our flight was delayed and we had to wait two hours in the departure hall. 3. The duty free shop is very popular among Russian tourists. 4. Half an hour before takeoff we were invited to board the plane. 5. Luggage racks are located directly above your seat 6. The stewardess asked us to fasten our seat belts and bring the backrests to an upright position. 7. I didn't know whether to get to the city by bus or rent a car. 8. The man who was sitting next to us on the plane was detained when he was going through customs.
Быть актером-это трудная работа, так как всегда нужно быть в хорошей форме и настроении. Быть так, что я просыпаюсь около 8 часов и пойти в парк, где я бегаю около 30 минут. Как я герой, я должен оставаться в форме. Затем я принимаю душ, ем здоровую пищу-свежий сок или фрукты. Мне нужно соблюдать диету. Обычно я встречаюсь днем. Я довольно занят до 10 или даже 11 вечера, так как процесс создания фильма труден и отнимает много времени. В течение дня я стараюсь есть до 6 вечера я также много путешествую, поэтому трудно иметь регулярный график
1. How many kilograms of baggage are you allowed to carry at no extra charge? 2. Our flight was delayed and we had to wait two hours in the departure hall. 3. The duty free shop is very popular among Russian tourists. 4. Half an hour before takeoff we were invited to board the plane. 5. Luggage racks are located directly above your seat 6. The stewardess asked us to fasten our seat belts and bring the backrests to an upright position. 7. I didn't know whether to get to the city by bus or rent a car. 8. The man who was sitting next to us on the plane was detained when he was going through customs.