The major source of the English law which takes precedence over the others is… Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
European Community law
case law
The employer must provide written statement of the following terms
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
pension rights
provision of safe tools and equipment
maternity rights
Trading in a name similar to that of another similar business affects
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
economic rights
general rights
According to the contract, the goods must be transferred…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
for securities
for other goods
for money
Legal rights attach to...
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
corporations only
natural persons only
natural and artificial persons
If the principal refuses to ratify the transaction…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
no one will be liable for damages
the agent will be liable for damages
the principal will be liable for damages
Choses capable of negotiation are classified as negotiable instruments and include…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
postal orders
bills of lading
bills of exchange
The term 'goods" includes all "chattels personal" that are…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
To control rogue dealers, the DG may bring proceedings...
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
in the Restrictive Practices Court
in the Crown Court
in the High Court
Sole trader...
Отметьте правильный вариант meta:
has limited liability
shares losses with the people he employs
is liable for all his debts
The Register of the Company must be kept...
Отметьте правильный вариант meta:
in the office of the CEO
in the residence of the majority shareholder
at the registered office
Companies limited by shares are usually set up for…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
charitable purposes
trading purposes
educational purposes
A director of a public company can be disqualified…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
by the court
by the annual meeting of shareholder
by a majority shareholder
A separate legal person is created in setting up business as…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
a partnership
a registered company
a sole trader
Partnership can be set up between persons carrying on a business…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
for any purpose
for charitable purpose
only for receiving profits
The transfer of property to the buyer is the main purpose …
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
of the contract for the sale of goods
of the contract for labor and materials
of the contract for service
Carrying on an offensive trade, obstructing the highway is…
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
trespass to land
public nuisance
private nuisance
An employer must make a redundancy payment to an employee who has been employed
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
for a year
for a month
for two years
A statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if...
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
is made by the way
if forms the basis of the decision
it is based on a hypothesis
Preference shareholders have the right
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
to receive surplus assets
to receive a fixed dividend prior to ordinary shareholders
to receive an unlimited dividend
To take part in the management of a registered company, a bankrupt must get...
Отметьте правильный вариант ответа:
the creditors' consent
the trustee's consent
the court' consent
The following products are excluded from liability under the Consumer Protection Act:
unprocessed game
Negligence is an actionable wrong affecting …
the person
general rights
Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting …
economic rights
general rights
The Department of Trade and Industry may appoint inspectors…
on the application of 100 shareholders
on the application of 1 shareholder
on the application of members holding not less than one tenth of the shares.
Supervising trading practices is one of the main duties of…
the Director General of Fair Trading
the Monopolies and Mergers Commission
the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee
the power of order that a merger shall not go ahead lies with
the Secretary of State
a bankrupt must disclose his status if he wants to obtain
a credit of 250 pounds or more
a credit of more than 50 pounds sterling
a credit
a statement of law is binding for future similar disputes if
when the land is owned by a company
registration of a mortgage is not necessary
there must be registration of both legal or equitable mortgages
1.There are two windows in the kitchen
Are there two windows in the kitchen?
There are not two windows in the kitchen
2.There is a big living-room in the flat
Is there a big living-room in the flat?
There is not a big living-room in the flat
3.There is a toy in the box
Is there a toy in the box?
There is not a toy in the box
4.There are cupboards in the dining-room
Are there cupboards in the dining-room?
There are not cupboards in the dining-room
5.There is a wardrobe in the bedroom
Is there a wardrobe in the bedroom?
There is not a wardrobe in the bedroom
Эту тему я знаю отлично хоть и новичок
- They were colored.
- I thought you were away.
- Did you see Sarah?
- Laura did not understand what Frank said.
- Were Sam and Paul informed?
- Oh, the window was broken!
2. Future Simple.
- She will be scared.
- Will you be ready?
- Planet will not be destroyed.
- Alicia will dye her hair soon!
- Will Berry read that book?
- Catherine will not black out.
3. Present Simple.
- I love dogs!
- Daniel doesn't approve that!
- Do you like chatting online?
- Eugene's PC is broken though.
- Is it written by Nikolai Gogol?
- The fridge isn't sold here.