The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It covers 165,250,000 km2. It also has the deepest waters. The Pacific Ocean has very bad weather. Many powerful storms form out in the open ocean every year. There is also a lot of volcanic activity in this ocean. In the Pacific, there are many small volcanic islands such as Hawaii, Tonga and Samoa. The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. It covers an area of over 82,000,000 km2. Under the Atlantic Ocean lies a mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The Indian Ocean is smaller than the Atlantic. It covers about 73,000,000 km2. It usually has gentle breezes. However, from the months of April to October monsoons form over the ocean. They carry a lot of rain into India that causes terrible floods.
The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest ocean. It covers an area of more than 20,000,000 km2. It is a very cold ocean because it is near the Antarctic and much of it is covered in ice.
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of all five oceans. It covers about 14,000,000 km2. It isn’t as deep as the other oceans. It is one of the coldest oceans. Ice covers the central part of the ocean all year round.
1. Which is the deepest ocean in the world?
2. Which oceans are covered in ice?
3. How big is the Atlantic ocean?
4. In which ocean is Hawaii?
1. What did your neighbours do yesterday?
2. Mr. Smith fixed his car yesterday morning.
3. His wife watered plants in the garden.
4. Their children cleaned the yard and then they played basketball.
5. In the evening their boys listened to loud music and watched
6. Their little girl crieda little and then smiled.
7. Her brothers shouted at her.
8. Mrs. Smith worked in the kitchen.
9. She baked a delicious apple pie.
10. She cooked a good dinner.
Задача. Прочтите текст о распорядке дня четырех учеников. Что они делают после школы? Меня зовут Макс. После школы маме и папе. Потом иду в парк. Там я встречаюсь с друзьями, и мы играем в разные игры. Прихожу домой обычно играю в шахматы. Я Джулия. После школы я люблю рисовать и раскрашивать картины. Потом пишу рассказы. Я развешиваю рассказы и картины на стене своей спальни. Я Люк. После школы я делаю домашнее задание. Потом слушаю свои компакт-диски, а в свободное время пою песни. По вечерам предпочитаю читать. Меня зовут Сара. Я хожу купаться каждый понедельник. Каждый вторник я играю в теннис с друзьями. Каждый четверг я катаюсь на коньках в парке со своей сестрой