The pictures show the lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians. Which sentences below are true about them? Listen to and read the text to find out. 1 They were farmers. 2 They fished on the River Nile. 3 They played football. 4 Only boys attended school.
Thanks for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written to you earlier but I was preparing for my Maths test.
In your last letter you asked me about my recent weekend. You're right, my weekend was wonderful. My Sunday started with big breakfast with my family. After breakfast, my elder sister and I went to my grandma in the country. We talked a lot and helped her about the house. Later we went back in our town. In the evening, my friend and I went to the cinema. We watched a really good film. As for calling me in Skype, I agree. I think I won't be busy. Call me at 4 pm, please.
Have to go now. My mum asked me to help her with dinner.
Манче́стер (англ. Manchester [ˈmæntʃɛstər]) — город и муниципальный район в Северо-Западной Англии, графство Большой Манчестер. Менее чем полумиллионный город имеет крупнейшую в регионе 2,2-миллионную агломерацию Большой Манчестер. Девятый по величине город Великобритании (и восьмой - Англии).Наряду с Бирмингемом, Лидсом, Шеффилдом, Ливерпулем и Лондоном Манчестер был одним из центров Промышленной революции. В настоящее время Манчестер — крупный культурный, промышленный, финансовый, коммерческий и транспортный центр страны.
город, Russia
November, 9
Dear Peter,
Thanks for your last letter. I was glad to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written to you earlier but I was preparing for my Maths test.
In your last letter you asked me about my recent weekend. You're right, my weekend was wonderful. My Sunday started with big breakfast with my family. After breakfast, my elder sister and I went to my grandma in the country. We talked a lot and helped her about the house. Later we went back in our town. In the evening, my friend and I went to the cinema. We watched a really good film. As for calling me in Skype, I agree. I think I won't be busy. Call me at 4 pm, please.
Have to go now. My mum asked me to help her with dinner.
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