Башня была построена под руководством Пьетро-Антонио Solario в 1491 году, был прямоугольной формы и примерно половину ее нынешней высоты. В 16 веке она была снабжена часами и в 1625 русский зодчий Бажен огурцов построил восьмигранной многоярусной башни, которая сейчас преодолевает прямоугольной башни. Новые часы был построен на турель оснащена вращающимся лицо и карильон англичанин, Кристофер Холлоуэй. Колокола карильона отлил Кирилл Самойлов. В reigh Петра I часы были заменены. Часы мы видим сейчас, был установлен в 1851-52. Длина минутной стрелки на часах 3.28 метров. Башня 67.3 метра.
1. I could not allow my only daughter to marry a foreigner. 2. The father said that he would not allow his daughter to meet with all kinds of loafers (loafers). 3. The boss warned that he would never allow employees to ignore his orders. 4. The young man wanted to drop out of college, but his parents said that they would not allow this. 5. He must not be allowed to give up painting. 6. I object that you make any changes to our plans at the last minute. 7. Come and talk to her. She must not be allowed to spread such rumors. 8. We must not allow him to take such a risk. We must warn him of the danger.
1. I could not allow my only daughter to marry a foreigner. 2. The father said that he would not allow his daughter to meet with all kinds of loafers (loafers). 3. The boss warned that he would never allow employees to ignore his orders. 4. The young man wanted to drop out of college, but his parents said that they would not allow this. 5. He must not be allowed to give up painting. 6. I object that you make any changes to our plans at the last minute. 7. Come and talk to her. She must not be allowed to spread such rumors. 8. We must not allow him to take such a risk. We must warn him of the danger.