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18.06.2022 04:21 •  Английский язык

The school web page, Choose the correct words to complete
At Redfield School we believe in a modern
to education. Of course, students here' Study
traditional subjects such as Maths and History, but they
also ?
more practical skills, such as
which we think are important for life. As
well as the main subjects, there are lots of extra classes,
such as Yoga and
Design. We only have
exams once a year and we don't expect
students to spend a lot of time
for them. We
believe that old-fashioned methods of learning such as
lots of facts aren't important in the modern
world. The internet is there to check facts, so people don't
need general
in the same way that they did
50 years ago. We believe it's more important to teach our
students critical
skills so they can form their
own opinions. We want our students to be 10
and use their imagination in everything they do. We also
believe that 11
is a really important skill, so we
encourage our students to work with each other in groups,
We are lucky to have a lot of 12
here, and all our music groups give a 13
whole school at the end of each term.
young musicians
to the
1 a memorise
b study
2 a learn
b revise
3 a Chemistry
b Physics
4 a Photography
b Fashion
5 a writing
b writer
6 a learning
b memorising
7 a memorising
b practising
8 a facts
b learning
9 a understanding
b thinking
10 a intelligent
b lazy
a performance
b teamwork
12 a lazy
b practised
13 a project
b performance
c perform
d revise
c memorise
d make
c Cookery
d Philosophy
c Film
d Art
d written
c performing
d revising
c revising
d getting
c knowledge
d understanding
c learning
d knowledge
c creative
d gifted
c study
d problem solving
c talented
d practical
C teamwork
d practical exam

Показать ответ
15.07.2022 04:17

The ancient Greeks used to say that the desire in itself creates. Power of desire, a dream can turn life and change a person. Alexander Green power of his dream to create a world in which they live brave, sincere man, poetic and beautiful women, which faces the city by the sea with wonderful names - Fox, Zurbagan.
Green knew the power of dreams and the power of love. All his stories of love end with one phrase - "They lived long and died on the same day." The most important thing - to meet, to find each other.
Little Assol, rejected child, brought up a good and loving father, lives a solitary life. Her repel peers, adults do not like, carrying a girl dislike for her father.
Once in the forest, she meets a strange man, tells the tale of a ship with red sails, and from that moment the fate of its doors. Gonna believe in the fairy tale, making it part of their soul. The girl was ready for a miracle - and the miracle found it.
Green shows how intricate ways two people for each other, they come to the meeting. Gray lives in a completely different world. Wealth, luxury, power, given to him by right of birth. And in the soul lives the dream is not about jewelry and feasts, and the sea and sails. In defiance of the family becomes a sailor, floating around the world, and one case leads him to the village inn, where he lives Assol. How rude anecdote, Gray told the story of a madman who is waiting for a prince on a ship with red sails.
As if the two strings sounded together ... Soon will come the morning, when the ship approaches the shore, and were gonna shout: "I'm here Here I am!" - And ran right through the water.
Dream if it believe that is to give her life, no matter what "sensible" people, becomes a mighty creative force.
Recently, I read a romantic novel by Alexander Grin "Scarlet Sails". A. Greene had a very hard life. He visited the prison and went into exile, but fled from there. That is, while A. Green began writing the novel "Red Sails," and in 1920 he graduated from it. This is the most famous work of A. Green. The writer has defined the genre of his work as a "spectacle." Story begins, as many literary works, with a description of the main characters, but after reading quite a bit, I realized that this book was special.
In the story "Scarlet Sails" Green tells the story of a girl gonna, who early lost her mother and grew up with his father, they lived on what he was doing children's toys-ships. Longren father Assol, took all the work on the farm itself, daughter and father were very fond of each other. But still gonna was unhappy because her one of the village's children did not communicate. And she lived a single dream that gave her Aigle - known collector of songs, legends and fairy tales. He told her that one day her prince will sail on a ship with red sails and then hopefully gonna look at the horizon of the sea, waiting for a ship with red sails.
The second main character in the story represented Arthur Gray, who was born on the contrary to a rich family, and he has the same had a dream - to become a captain and he was it. At 15 he went to the ship as a common sailor, and for a time taught swimming captain Arthur various marine sciences. After four years of voyages, returning home, Arthur took his parents a large sum of money to buy his own ship. And from that moment on he sailed the seas and oceans captain. One day during his next trip gonna met Arthur, which he liked very much. And after learning about her dream, and he decided to do it.
I think that's the main idea of the story is that the man in your life you need to have the most cherished dream, believe and strive for it, and only if it is necessarily true. After Alexander Green wrote this work is not in the best times of his life, and probably, in my opinion, he wanted to make an example of dreams, faith, hope.
Assol - heroine romantic story, a closed and beautiful girl, who loved

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17.01.2021 03:08


Природа-источник жизни человека с древних времен. Люди тысячелетиями жили в гармонии с окружающей средой и считали, что природные богатства безграничны. Развитие цивилизации усилило вредное вмешательство человека в природу.

Большие города с тысячами дымных промышленных предприятий загрязняют воздух, которым мы дышим, и воду, которую мы пьем. Ежегодно мировая промышленность загрязняет атмосферу около 1000 миллионов тонн пыли и других вредных веществ. Многие города страдают от смога. Прекрасные старые леса исчезают навсегда. Их исчезновение нарушает кислородный баланс. В результате некоторые редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений исчезают навсегда, ряд озер и рек пересыхает.

Загрязнение воздуха и разрушение озонового слоя-это результат отношения человека к Природе.

Защита окружающей среды - это всеобщая забота. Мы должны быть очень активными, чтобы создать серьезную систему экологической безопасности.

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