The training exercise according to film «Home Alone» Task 1. What is the main idea of the film?
a) Parents left little Kevin alone at home.
b) Kevin was alone, even with his family.
c) Kevin was a true hero, who got rid of burglars from the house.
d) Kevin's main wish came true.
Task 3. Describe these characters using the following adjectives.
Careless, sociable, tolerant, scoundrel, friendly, decent, treacherous, courageous, obstinate, anxious, creative, reserved, brave, persistent, exacting, arrogant, curious, harsh
Kevin McCallister
Kate McCallister
Harry and Marv
Old Man Marley
Task 4. What was the name of the videotape?
a) Angels with filthy souls
b) Angels with fifty souls
c) Angels with filthy wings
d) Angels with fifty wings
Task 7. How many people are in the Kevin’s family? (with Kevin)
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
1 Underline the correct word or phrase.
1 He didn’t eat any / no food. He wasn’t hungry.
2 We need some coffee. There’s any / none in the cupboard.
3 How much coffee do you drink? A lot / A lot of.
4 I work very hard so I don’t have much / many free time.
5 Put a few / a little salt in the soup.
6 How much / many glasses of water do you drink?
2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
1 She’s happier (happy) now than when she was a teenager.
2 Your iPod is more expensive (expensive) than mine.
3 Harry’s a worse (bad) cook than me.
4 This year’s class is harder (hard) than last year’s.
5 Kate is more beautiful (beautiful) than her sister.
6 It’s hotter (hot) in Australia than in England.
7 Carol’s a better (good) dancer than you.
8 Swimming in the sea is more dangerous (dangerous) than swimming in a pool.
3 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, or any.
1 ‘Can we have some toast, please?’ ‘Sorry. There isn’t any bread.’
2 I had a cup of coffee for breakfast.
3 Are there any eggs in the fridge?
4 There are some strawberries on the table.
5 ‘I’m hungry.’ ‘Do you want an apple?’
6 Let’s make some pasta this evening.
4 Write the words in the correct places.
Fruit 9 pineapples 3 bananas 6 strawberries
Vegetables 1 lettuce 4 potatoes 7 onions
Drinks 2 milk 5 tea 8 fruit juice
Хрещатик — одна з найвідоміших центральних вулиць світу. Тут уже два століття поспіль вирує центр комерційного, політичного та культурного життя Києва
Перші в Києві телефон, телеграф, трамвай, водопровід і каналізація, газове та електричне освітлення, нарешті, перший київський хмарочос — усе це Хрещатик. Тут слухали Бетховена і розглядалии виставки російських художників-передвижників, цією вулицею гуляли Т. Шевченко і М. Щепкін, П. Чайковський та Ф. Шаляпін, В. Маяковський та І. Мандельштам... 1200 метрів — одна з найкоротших центральних вулиць світу, і тому тим більше цікаво пройтися нею, зрозуміти, чому саме вона стала «концентратом» історії Києва останніх століть.