There are many NGOs working in Uzbekistan. They work to improve all areas of life-health,
education, promoting small businesses, and so on. Some NGOs working in Uzbekistan are
the Healthy Generation, the Business Women's Association and the Red Crescent.
The Red Crescent was established in Uzbekistan on May 28, 1992. The organization
holds a general assembly every five years. In 1995 the Uzbekistan branch of the Red
Crescent became a member of ICRC (International Command of the Red Crescent). On
June 5, 1998 the first general assembly was held and the principles of the organization
were approved. The members of this organization are from the 12 regions, the Republic
of Karakalpakstan, and organizations in Tashkent City, the Railways of Uzbekistan, and
the 215 city and district organizations of Uzbekistan.
Столица Древнего Египта - Мемфис.
Земли вокруг столицы (Мемфис) были очень плодородны. Нил широко разливался и питал почву илом. Таким образом, она получала природное удобрение. Большая часть жителей Мемфиса была занята в сельском хозяйстве. Они выращивали хлопок, виноград, инжир и зерновые культуры, собирали розовое масло, разводили овец. Крестьяне собирали богатый урожай с полей. Овцы хорошо росли и плодились. Местная отара достигала нескольких сот тысяч голов. Поэтому проблем с пропитанием всех жителей царского двора не возникало. Многочисленная дворцовая челядь, жрецы, слуги и рабы всегда были сыты.
White Tower - the central tower of the Tower of London. Built by William the Conqueror.The white tower at nightThe fortress later became known as the Tower of London, it was founded by William the Conqueror in 1066.
White Tower has served as a military (mainly defensive) purposes, and as a residential building for the king and his courtiers; also it was a prison. Construction of the tower was completed at the latest by 1100, and that same year she became a prison Ranulf Flambard, the Bishop of Durham.
Approximately during the reign of Henry II (1154-1189) to the south wall of the White Tower in order to provide additional protection extension has been added to the gate, but to this day has not been preserved.
Henry III in 1220-x-1230-ies. also strengthened the defense of the White Tower and around the Tower. He expanded the Tower in the north and east, and built a new stone wall