Think of more questions about the picture. Then work in pairs. Close your books and test your partner's memory. Ask your own questions and those from exercise 4.
Richard Barker rodilsya v sem'ye fermera. On provel svoi pervyye gody na ferme svoyego ottsa. Oni vsegda bylo mnogo zhivotnykh. Richard obychno pomogal svoim roditelyam rabotal na ferme. On chasto sprashival yego otets voprosy o svoikh zhivotnykh i poluchili otvety. Richard byl zainteresovan v meditsine. On khotel znat', kak pomoch' zhivotnym. No yego mechta, chtoby uznat', kak pomoch' lyudyam: on khotel stat' Doktor, detskiy doktor. Kogda Richard bylo vosemnadtsat' let, on pokinul svoy dom v London i otpravilsya v Londonskiy universitet. Yego universitetskiye gody byli samyye schastlivyye gody svoyey zhizni. On sdelal to, chto on lyubil i naslazhdalsya etim. Kogda Richard byl 26, on vstretil Margaret. Oni pozhenilis' i shlyapa dvoye detey - mal'chik i devochka. Theyare schastlivaya sem'ya. Seychas Richard Barker rabotayet v novoy bol'nitse v Londone. On lyubit svoyu rabotu i delayet zamechatel'nuyu kar'yeru. Deti i ikh roditeli, kak yego ochen' mnogo, potomu chto on ochen' khoroshiy Doktor
Richard Barker was born into a farmer's family. He often asked his father questions about his animals and got answers.But his dream was to learn how to help people: he wanted to become a doctor, a children's doctor.When Richard was eighteen, he left his home for London and went to London University. When Richard was 26, he met Margaret. They got married and hat two children - a boy and a girl.Now Richard Barker is working in a new hospital in London.Children and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doctor.