This is called acid rain, 2) there is
actually 'acid fog', 'snow' and 'sleet' in the same way!
3 Water and soil pollution
When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas,
they become toxic. This is water pollution and it harms,
kills or wipes out fish and plant species. When acid rain
flows through the soil, it poisons trees and plants. Acid
rain 3) ... causes serious damage to important
buildings and objects
4. Good news
The good news is that governments have been trying
to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain.
4) industries have been using new
technologies for some time to help make factory
smoke less harmful to the environment. But we need
to do more! We can help reduce the amount of acid
rain by using 5) ... cars less or by using solar
puericus 060 years
power to heat our homes.
1. I did morning exercises
I didn't do morning exercises
Did you do morning exercises?
2. He worked at a factory
He didn't work at a factory
DId he work at a factory?
3. She slept after dinner
She didn't sleep after dinner
Did she sleep after dinner?
4. We worked part-time
We didn't work part-time
Did we work part-time?
5. They drank tea yesterday
They 't didn't drink tea yesterday
Did they drink tea yesterday?
6. Mike was a student
Mike wasn't a student
Was Mike a student?
7. Helen had a car
Helen didn't have a car
Did Helen have a car?
8. You were a good friend
You weren't a good friend
Were you a good friend?
9. You were good friends
You weren't good friends
Were you good friends?
10. It was difficult to remember
It wasn't difficult to remember
Was it difficult to remember?
ответ:1. Мать сказала: "я отвезу тебя туда завтра, сынок.”
2. Не сказал мне: "сегодня вечером я иду в театр.”
3. - Она может послать мне телеграмму, когда приедет туда.”
4. - А твоя подруга живет в Лондоне, Энн?”
5. Она сказала мне: "ты живешь в отеле?”
6. Мать говорит дочери: "я приготовила тебе хороший подарок.”
7. Отец говорит: "как ты спал, сынок?”
8. Она сказала мне: "я не видела тебя целую вечность.”
9. Мужчина говорит: "Я родился в 1969 году.”
10. - Завтра я пойду в цирк, - сказала девочка.”
11. - Мы снова собираемся приехать сюда в этом месяце, - сказал Борис.”
12. Сказала Катерина: “я жил в этом городе два года назад.”
13. - Ну что, друзья, пойдем завтра на реку?”