This is Jack Lipton.And this is his house.His house is not very big. Jack has four rooms.They are big and clean.The house has yellow walls, white doors and windows and a red roof. You can see green trees and bright flowers by the house. Mr Lipton is a teacher.He teaches English. He has twenty students. He students are not old, they are young. They are from Rome, Paris, Madrid and Moscow. Jack Lipton teaches his students to speak English, to read and to write in English. His students like English and they like their teacher.
1.A McDonald’s hamburger cost $0.15
2.The Twist was a popular dance.
3.Bandstand and I love Lucy were popular TV Programmes. (other answers possible)
The Beach Boys, Elvis and The Beatles were popular.
5.Surfing became popular.
6.Lava lamps, lasers and CDs were invented in the sixties. other answers possible)
7.Fashionable people wore bell bottom jeans, mini-skirts and beads.
8.Martin Luther King was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
9.America went to war with Vietnam.
10.The U.S.A. and Soviet Union were the main adversaries. These countries had many allies who were also involved.
11.The three presidents in the 1960's were John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson , and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
12.Hippies expressed peace and love and often wore casual, loose clothing, headbands, beads and flowers.
Объяснение:Хорошего дня)
My name is Jennifer and I am a high school student. Our school has A LOT OF
advanced studies and I have to work very hard there. So, my PARENTS
are always making sure I do the things I must do to get the best marks. One thing that is very IMPORTANT
for them is that I prepare for each day I go to school. It’s how I must revise for every test at least two days before it’s given and that I should get enough SLEEP
the night before. So, no late night TV for me when that happens.
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