❤️❤️ Ткст ниже про полярного медведя нужно написать текст почему ты его любишь (не любишь) Name: polar bear
What it white, large body, thick fur,
big legs, short neck, brown
lives in the far north, can swim 60
miles, eats other animals, sleeps a
lot in the winter, likes to be with
other polar bears, doesn't like to be
(Задание )4 .Look at the information again. Now write a paragraph about this animal. Give a
reason why you (don't) like it.
He wanted to drive his car to some nice place but the car was broken. Он хотел поехать на своей машине в какое-нибудь хорошее место, но машина была сломана.
He wanted to spend the afternoon with his friends but it started to rain cats and dogs. Он хотел провести день со своими друзьями, но начался ливень как из ведра.
He wanted to say "I love you" to his friend Rose but didn't come to his place in the evening. Он хотел сказать "Я люблю тебя" своей подруге Розе, но она не пришла к нему вечером.
1. Has he got a car? 2. Have they got a house? 3. Has she got children? 4. Have you got brothers? 5. Has he got a new job? 6. Has she got a lot of friends? 7. Have they got a camera? 8. Have you got fish soup for dinner today?
1. I haven’t got a family. 2. She hasn′t got children. 3. He hasn′t got a car. 4. They haven′t got a house. 5. You haven′t got French books. 6. I haven’t got a brother. 7. My friend hasn′t got relatives in Moscow. 8. She hasn′t got friends.