Tom: Mum, I don't want to go to school.
Mother: But you (1) Tom: The pupils don't love me.
Mother: Well, you (2) shout at them. You (3) be polite and friendly.
Tom: They (4) use their mobiles but they do. They (5) be late for school but they are.
Mother: You (6) be so angry. Try speaking to them.
Tom: That won't help. I think I have a running nose ... Mother: Oh, no, come on, Tom. Shame on you! You are OK. You (7) go to school. You're a teacher.
2. Double-entry is the most accurate (превосходная) method of book-keeping
3. Before the last (предельная) war less than half (сравнительная) the beef consumed in the UK was produced at home
1. В простейшем отчёте расходы делятся на "переменные" и "постоянные".
2. Двойная запись является наиболее точным методом бухгалтерского учета.
3. Перед последней войны менее половины говядины, потребляемой в Великобритании, производилось внутри страны.