Topic 1. man and natural world 1. what can you say about the climate in russia? p.22 (part 1) 2. what are the reasons for changes in the climate and in the weather? p.22-23 3. what are the most serious environmental problems? p.38-39, 52-53 topic 2. england. 0*. geographical position of the united kingdom. symbols of its parts. national flag. p.90-91 1. what regions are there in england? what are they famous for? p.90-91 2. what can you say about the royal london and royal family and its history? p.105-107 3. what do you know about shakespeare’s life? what great plays did he write? p. 12-14 (part 2) topic 2. scotland. 0*. geographical position of the united kingdom. symbols of its parts. national flag. 1. a. what are the two largest and busiest cities in scotland? what do you know about them? p.42-43 b. into what parts is scotland divided geographically? c. what festivals are held in edinburgh every year? topic 3. wales. 0*. geographical position of the united kingdom. symbols of its parts. national flag. 1. what interesting facts about wales do you know? (geographical position, culture, traditions and language) ответьте на вопросы
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1) People can wear mittens, fur coats and fur caps in the streets in winter.
Люди могут носить варежки, меховое пальто и меховую шапку на улице зимой.
2) People can wear gloves, raincoats and boots in autumn.
Люди могут носить перчатки, плащи и сапоги осенью.
3) People can wear suits, white shirts and ties in the office.
Люди могут носить костюмы, белые рубашки и галстуки в офисe.
4) People can wear slippers, dressing gowns and nighties at home.
Люди могут носить тапочки, халаты и ночные рубашки дома.
5) People can wear jeans, leggings and trainers in the gym.
Люди могут носить джинсы , леггинсы и коссовки в спортзале.
6) People can wear skirts, blouses and dresses at school.
Люди могут носить юбки, блузки и платья в школе.