Topic. You had some arguments with your friend/parents. Plan and write a personal email to your grannylgrandad to thank for his/her advice. What did he/she give you advice about? The questions can hеlр уоu: НАПИШИ БЛАГОДАРСТВЕННОЕ ПИСЬМО БАБУШКЕ ИЛИ ДЕДУШКЕ, ПОБЛАГОДАРИ ЕГОЛЕЕ ЗА СОВЕТ, ПОЛУЧЕННЫЙ ПО ПОВОДУ КОНФЛИКТА С ДРУЗЬЯМИ ИЛИ РОДИТЕЛЯМИ, НАПИШИ КАКОЙ СОВЕТ ТЕБЕ ДАЛИ, ВОПРОСЫ ТЕБЕ. 1. What was your problem? 2. Why did you have arguments? 3. How did you feel about it? 4. What did a person do to help you? 5. What advice did you get? 6. What did it happen? 7. How do you find the problem now?