when is the beginning of the christmas season?
2. when and where was the legend of santa claus born?
3. where does he live for the americans?
how are american houses decorated?
5. what do people do on christmas eve?
6. give examples of what people do on christmas eve
when there are children at home.
7. what does the traditional christmas dinner consists of?
8. what is a lumberjack tart?
9. give examples of some traditional christmas desserts.
10. what are the traditional drinks?
11. do italian families in the usa celebrate in different
ways? give examples.
12. what are the main symbols of christmas in the usa?
I FELT rather poor lately, so this morning at nine I WENT to the doctor. I FOUND him alone in his waiting-room, where he WAS STANDING by the window.
“Where ARE your patients? HAVE you CURED them all?” I ASKED.
“The reason why people AREN'T CROWDING into this room now is that on Wednesday I DON'T BEGIN consultations here until half past ten. Such HAS BEEN my habit for the last twenty-five years.’
I’m sorry I CAME too early I SAID, 'I WILL GO and COME BACK later“.
“Oh, no. I PREFER early patients to late ones. In the course of my practice I HAVE NOTICED the late-comers VISIT the doctor because they NEED some sympathy. They are like a dog that once CAME here with a sore paw; I BANDAGED it for him and while I WAS DOING this he WAS LOOKING at me with great lonely eyes. He CAME BACK the next day and every day until his paw BECAME well. I FOUND OUT that his master HAS GONE AWAY. The dog is old now but he IS still COMING.
Существуют три основные группы профессий: Профессии, торги, рабочие места.
Традиционно, профессия это- занятие, которое требует интеллектуальный труд и высшее образование в университете или академии. Таким образом мы говорим о профессии врача, профессии учителя, профессии инженера и т.д
Торговля- это профессия, которая требует высокий уровень мастерства рук и опыт практической, теоретической подготовки. Механики, слесари, портные, ткачи, парикмахеры и тд тоже учились торговать.
Многие профессии не являются не сделками, ни профессиями. Мы часто называем их "Рабочими местами" В этом смысле термин включает в себя работу неквалифицированных и недостаточно квалифицированных занятий с одной стороны, и занятия, которые требуют знаний и умственных навыков- с другой. Разделительные линии между торговлей, рабочими местами и профессий не всегда ясны