Trafalgar Square geographical centre, tall column monument to, Admiral Nelson, two big fountains,the Naton Gallery,rich collection of paintings,popular with tourists. Составьте со всеми предложениями текст . Кто с инета жб
Hello, my name is (имя). I'm a young teacher who came to this school about a year ago. And I had the first prom (пер. Выпускной вечер/бал) yesterday. It was amazing ! My children with their parents, and me also, were preparing two weeks and when it was finally done we were so happy ! We ate together, played, told different interesting stories and had fun ! I was very impressed ! I think in the future I will repeat that. I think we - children, parents and me - were united. Hope they will reach all of the goals they were all spoking about.
Mr Lomov now taking representatives of the British firm. They discuss the terms of payment and the stand. 2. Where is Boris? - He was watching television in the living room. 3. - You who write the letter? - Their parents. They do not live with me now. 4 - Who plays the piano? - My daughter. 5. Kohl now dines. Call him a quarter of an hour please. 6. What they are discussing? - They discuss the request of one foreign firm in the electronic equipment. 7. Anna writes now. Take her hand. 8. Listen to them. What language do they speak? 9. What is the lesson you are going through (learning)?
Hello, my name is (имя). I'm a young teacher who came to this school about a year ago. And I had the first prom (пер. Выпускной вечер/бал) yesterday. It was amazing ! My children with their parents, and me also, were preparing two weeks and when it was finally done we were so happy ! We ate together, played, told different interesting stories and had fun ! I was very impressed ! I think in the future I will repeat that. I think we - children, parents and me - were united. Hope they will reach all of the goals they were all spoking about.
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