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17.12.2021 09:08 •  Английский язык

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09.08.2022 15:34
Британская автомобилестроительная компания, известная всему миру своими авто класса "люкс" официально объявила о планах представить свой новый серийный внедорожник - Bentley Bentayga в сентябре 2015 года в рамках Франкфуртского автосалона.Рейтинг: Топ-5 супер-внедоржников будущегоИстория нового автомобиля Бентли довольно неоднозначна. Первый его концепт - EXP 9 F был представлен публике еще более трех лет назад. И тогда он вызвал довольно спорную реакцию. С тех пор его прототипы неоднократно переделывались и в конце-концов окончательный вид экстравагантного SUV уже мало напоминал первоначальный вариант. О принадлежности к семье Bentley, во внешнем виде внедорожника напоминают четыре характерные круглые передние фары, оснащенные LED-элементами и привычная радиаторная решетка.Что касается технических характеристик, так окончательных данных производитель пока не раскрывает. На данный момент предполагается, что Bentley Bentayga будет комплектоваться на выбор: 4,0-х литровым бензиновым V8, 4,2-литровый 8-цилиндровый турбодизелем от Audi Q7, гибридной силовой установкой, а топовым двигателем станет 6,0-литровый W12. Финальная сборка автомобилей будет проходить в городе Крю, на родине Bentley.
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18.06.2020 17:54
The park is my favorite resting place. The park is a good place for both the growns-up, the elderly and children. In the park you can not only rest outdoors, but also have fun and amuse yourself.

I have a pretty big family; it comprises mom, dad, two grandfathers and two grandmothers. I'm not the only child in the family. There are four of us - three girls and one boy. It is not difficult to understand that this boy is me. My name is Dennis and I am 14 years old. All my sisters are younger than me, so I'm the oldest in the family. That’s why when we go to the park, I watch my little sisters, whom I appreciate and love so much. My friends often wonder why I hardly ever quarrel with my sisters. It is difficult for me to answer this question. Probably, parents brought us up accordingly, that is, to take one another for granted and never to nitpick.

So, in five minutes we are all going to the park. Mom gathered all the necessary things and dad put it into the trunk. Grandparents are meant to be met already in the park, because they do not live with us. In the park I plan to take rides, rent rollerblades for my two sisters who have already learned to roller-blade. As for my youngest sister, there are many rides for small children in the park.

Parents and grandparents will probably take a walk in a park and talk about everything that is going on now in the world. They are unlikely to have a rest. They must be constantly on the alert lest the grandchildren should do some mischiefs.

The park is my favorite resting place. The park is a good place for both the growns-up, the elderly and children. In the park you can not only rest outdoors, but also have fun and amuse yourself.

I have a pretty big family; it comprises mom, dad, two grandfathers and two grandmothers. I'm not the only child in the family. There are four of us - three girls and one boy. It is not difficult to understand that this boy is me. My name is Dennis and I am 14 years old. All my sisters are younger than me, so I'm the oldest in the family. That’s why when we go to the park, I watch my little sisters, whom I appreciate and love so much. My friends often wonder why I hardly ever quarrel with my sisters. It is difficult for me to answer this question. Probably, parents brought us up accordingly, that is, to take one another for granted and never to nitpick.

So, in five minutes we are all going to the park. Mom gathered all the necessary things and dad put it into the trunk. Grandparents are meant to be met already in the park, because they do not live with us. In the park I plan to take rides, rent rollerblades for my two sisters who have already learned to roller-blade. As for my youngest sister, there are many rides for small children in the park.

Parents and grandparents will probably take a walk in a park and talk about everything that is going on now in the world. They are unlikely to have a rest. They must be constantly on the alert lest the grandchildren should do some mischiefs.

The park is my favorite resting place. The park is a good place for both the growns-up, the elderly and children. In the park you can not only rest outdoors, but also have fun and amuse yourself.

I have a pretty big family; it comprises mom, dad, two grandfathers and two grandmothers. I'm not the only child in the family. There are four of us - three girls and one boy. It is not difficult to understand that this boy is me. My name is Dennis and I am 14 years old. All my sisters are younger than me, so I'm the oldest in the family. That’s why when we go to the park, I watch my little sisters, whom I appreciate and love so much. My friends often wonder why I hardly ever quarrel with my sisters. It is difficult for me to answer this question. Probably, parents brought us up accordingly, that is, to take one another for granted and never to nitpick.

So, in five minutes we are all going to the park. Mom gathered all the necessary things and dad put it into the trunk. Grandparents are meant to be met already in the park, because they do not live with us. In the park I plan to take rides, rent rollerblades for my two sisters who have already learned to roller-blade. As for my youngest sister, there are many rides for small children in the park.

Parents and grandparents will probably take a walk in a park and talk about everything that is going on now in the world. They are unlikely to have a rest. They must be constantly on the alert lest the grandchildren should do some mischiefs.
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