Translate into English.(вживайте герундій). 1. Палити - шкідливо. 2. Він любить розмовляти зі мною. 3. Діти почали грати. 4.Вона була зайнята перекладом статті. 5. Я не проти того, щоб розповісти вам.
I'm going to tell you one story that my grandfather told me many years ago. There lived a young fellow whose granddad tried to teach him to work. They had a little shop where they sold everything but they were very poor. The boy was young and he always tried to close his shop earlier and go home. His granddad told him that he shouldn't do so and stay in the shop till night. One day late at night when the boy was going to close the door a woman came into the shop and asked him to buy one earring as she needed money at once. The boy agreed as it had prophet of it. The boy told about the accident to his granddad And his granddad answered : " Do you remember I told you that time is money? Wait a while and you 'll get another earring soon." After a while the grandfather's prediction came true. The same woman came to the shop and sold another earring. Since that time the boy never closed his shop early.
This is a book. It is my --- book. 2. Is this your
- pencil? -- No, it isn't my --- pencil, it is ray
sister's --- pencil. 3. I have a sister. My -- sister
is an engineer. My sister's --- husband is a
doctor. 4. I have no --- handbag. 5. Is this a
watch? - No, it isn't a watch, it's a pen. 6. This
-- pen is good, and that --- pen is bad. 7. I can
see a pencil on your --- table, but I can see no
-- paper. 8. Give me a chair, please. 9. They
have a dog and two --- cats. 10. I have a
spoon in my --- plate, but I have no --- soup in
Неопределенный артикль ставится:
1. перед исчисляемыми существительными
в ед. числе, о которых нам ничего не
известно или которые употребляются
2. После фраз:I have (got), this is, there is,…
если за ним стоит существительное в ед. ч.
3. Перед прилагательным, которое
относится к исчисляемому
существительному в ед. ч.
И в некоторых других случаях (у вас в
задании их нет).
Артикли не употребляются:
1. Перед существительными во
множественном числе.
2. Усли перед существительным стоит
любое местоимение (притяжательное,
указательное, неопределенное).
3. Если перед существительным стоит
частица nо/
(Еще существуют и другие но в
вашем задании их нет).