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15.04.2022 21:24 •  Английский язык

Trevor: it was your first time in australia, wasn’t it? — это был ваш первый раз в австралии, не так ли?
pat: oh, yes! – о, да!
trevor: and what are your first impressions of australia? — и каковы твои первые впечатления от австралии?
pat: it’s an amazing country! their summers are in winter. australian animals are pretty funny. their bears live in trees and are vegetarians. — это удивительная страна! у них лето зимой. австралийские животные довольно забавные. их медведи живут на деревьях, и они вегетарианцы.
trevor: they are probably kept as pets. — они, вероятно, держат их в качестве животных.
pat: no. the australians keep duckbills as pets. – нет. австралийцы держат в качестве животных утконосов.
trevor: what’s a duckbill? — что такое утконос?
pat: a duckbill is a mammal that lives in the water, lays eggs, has a duck’s bill and sings like a nightingale. — утконос — это млекопитающее, которое живет в воде, откладывает яйца, имеет клюв как у утки и поет, как соловей.
trevor: something like ‘get three for the price of one’! — что-то вроде «получи три по цене одного»!
pat: exactly. and australia has the biggest grasshoppers in the world. — точно. и в австралии самые большие кузнечики в мире.
trevor: really? what are they called? — в самом деле? как они называются?
pat: kangaroos. the australians hunt them with boomerangs. that’s why male kangaroos are called ‘boomers’ in australian slang. — кенгуру. австралийцы охотятся на них с бумерангами. вот почему самцов кенгуру называют «бумеры» на австралийском сленге.
trevor: what’s a boomerang? — что такое бумеранг?
pat: it’s a kind of a coat hanger. you throw it away and it comes back. – он похож на плечики для одежды. ты бросаешь его, и он возвращается.
trevor: what language do the australians speak? – на каком языке говорят австралийцы?
pat: their own variety of english. australian english is spoken all over the country. – на своем собственном варианте . на австралийском говорят по всей стране.
trevor: is australian english different from british english? — австралийский отличается от британского ?
pat: mmm… yes, as different as british english from american english. the basic language is the same but the accent is different and some words and phrases are different. at least it’s easy to understand. in australia someone who is not particularly smart ‘doesn’t have enough brains to give himself a headache’ or is ‘lamb-brailed’. — … да, отличаются, как британский от американского . основной язык тот же, но акцент отличается, и некоторые слова и фразы отличаются. по крайней мере, это легко понять. в австралии тот, кто не особенно умный – «не хватает мозгов, чтобы доставить себе головную боль» или «мозг как у барашка».
trevor: pretty straightforward, isn’t it? are you going to write an article about australia today? — довольно просто, не так ли? вы собираетесь написать статью об австралии сегодня?
pat: no, i’m invited to a party. see you tomorrow. — нет, я приглашена на вечеринку. увидимся завтра.
trevor: see you later. — увидимся позже. выписать предложения в present simple passive

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24.09.2020 22:05
1b 2b 3b 4d 5d
1a 2c 3d 4c 5b
1a 2b 3c 4a 5b
1 was 2 will travel 3 begins 4 was not 5 were 6 will not go, will stay 7 do not, like 8 played 9 when do you usually get up? 10 why does he often dehave... 11 wrote 12 did you born 13 does not work, is 14 will be 15 did you last write 16 did not go, went, was 
1a 2d 3c 4b 5c 6d
1went 2bakes 3will write 4enjoyed 5worked 6prefer 7will you meet 8celebrates 9do you have 10invented 11 did this accident happen 12send 13will get married 14will bring 15has
1is 2am 3were 4will be 5are 6will be 7was 8is 9was 10are

had, was, grew up, was afraid, met, was,wanted, help, drove, became, drives, takes,enjoys, has, will open, will get married.
Клара попала в автомобильную катастрофу в 10 лет. Когда она выросла она боялась машин. Она встретила Брэда, который был проффесиональным гонщиком. Он хотел ей и возил ее на своей машине каждый день. Так через 5 лет Клара тоже стала гонщиком. Сейчас она водит на скорости 200 км/ч и участвует в соревнованиях. Она очень любит водить и имеет много планов на будущее. В следующем году она откроет школу вождения. И Клара и Брэд скоро поженятся.
1. This coatdoes not belong to Jane.
2. I don't drive to Moscow once a month.
3. Your boss is not very impudent.
4. The car did't stop near the bank.
5. The soup wasn't delicious.
6. The concert will not start at 7 p.m.
7. Her shoes are not dirty.
8. I didn't bring the curtains for my bedroom.
9. I am not a football fan.
10. Their wedding will not be in spring.
0,0(0 оценок)
10.04.2021 02:40
Long ago the Great Patriotic War ended. It was the ruthless and bloodiest war of the twentieth century. But even now, those who remember that war, they are veterans, live among us. There are very few of them left. At a time when they were young, slightly older than us, they defended their homeland from a cruel enemy in the Soviet army.

I'm interested in the stories of veteran Leonid Ivanovich Kulikov about military service and the Great Patriotic War. Now Leonid Ivanovich is a colonel in retirement, he has the entire tunic in awards: medals and orders, people respect him. When the fascists occupied his small town in Moldova, he was 15 years old. He was captured. But I did not get to the camp, I ran away. For a long time he hid in the woods, he waited for his troops to liberate the region. And when the village was rescued from the Germans, he was taken into the army and sent to study in the tank school. Leonid Ivanovich recalls that at that time it was very difficult. They worked all day, learned to drive combat vehicles, to shoot guns that were on tanks. There was no time to rest, because the army needed good tankers. The tank's details are heavy, the physical loads were great, but there was not enough food. The cadets were constantly undernourished. But all stood firm, because it was hard for everyone at that time. And when Leonid Ivanovich finished his studies, he was sent to fight on the front line. The gunner at the best T-34 tank, he thundered the enemy along with other soldiers in Romania, Hungary. When the war was over, another ten years was a tanker, because the soldiers were not allowed to go home for a long time. The army needed to be kept strong so that soldiers and officers could protect peace in our country after the war.

Despite everything, the heavy army life of Leonid Ivanovich at that time was pleasant. It was very interesting. He traveled all over the country, he had many friends! And the young tankman decided to continue studying. He became an officer, commander of a tank unit.

Now Leonid Ivanovich eighty-seven years. Thanks to him, his comrades and all the veterans for the fact that we have peace now.
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