I like to go to the cinema. There is a cinema theatre not far from my house. Usually I go to the cinema with my friends on Sundays. We do not like to attend evening film shows and usually buy tickets for morning or daytime film shows. I prefer to see American, English and other foreign films, but I like our films too.
My favourite cinema actor is Yuriy Nikulin. He is known in all parts of the former Soviet Union and is loved by many people. As a young man Yuriy Nikulin took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he entered the All-Union Institute of the Cinematography and became an actor.
with my friends on Sundays. We do not like to attend evening film shows and usually buy tickets for morning or daytime film shows. I prefer to see American, English and other foreign films, but I like our films too.
My favourite cinema actor is Yuriy Nikulin. He is known in all parts of the former Soviet Union and is loved by many people. As a young man Yuriy Nikulin took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he entered the All-Union Institute of the Cinematography and became an actor.
Yuriy Nikulin played parts in many films
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2 Какую историю вы напишете?
3 Кто будет главным героем (ами)?
4 Когда Где будет происходить история?
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6 Каким будет кульминационное событие?
7 Что будет в итоге?
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