Man cannot live and exist alone. It's not for nothing that we all fear loneliness. It is important for us to recognize, respect and love others-our dearest and closest people. Family is the Foundation. Without family, without our beloved parents, we wouldn't be here at all. Family is a place where they sincerely rejoice in your success, share with you your failures, misfortune, support and help in everything and always. Family is a fortress, inside of which you feel protected, you feel warm and good from the gentle hands of your mother, kind look of your father.
For me, my family is the source of all that is light, warm and kind. There are four of us in the family: dad, mom, my sister and me. My dad is our head of the family. He has always been and will be for us and mom the main support in life, our protection. My father is a Builder. We can say that with his Golden hands he creates warmth not only for us, but also for other people – he builds houses. The main thing for him is that we grow up to be decent people who respect and appreciate such important concepts as family,
I try to take good care of my health. I exercise every morning. Of course, there are days when I forget to study. But I try to do exercises as often as possible. Sport develops my endurance and gives me strength. I also try to monitor my diet. Rarely in my diet is food debris. I usually eat healthy. Every weekend I walk in the fresh air as long as possible. These simple rules help me to be healthier and stronger.
Я стараюсь заботиться о своем здоровье. Я тренируюсь каждое утро. Конечно, бывают дни, когда я забываю учиться. Но стараюсь делать упражнения как можно чаще. Спорт развивает мою выносливость и придает сил. Я также стараюсь следить за своим питанием. Редко в моем рационе есть остатки пищи. Обычно я ем здоровую пищу. Каждые выходные я гуляю на свежем воздухе как можно дольше. Эти простые правила мне быть здоровее и сильнее.
For me, my family is the source of all that is light, warm and kind. There are four of us in the family: dad, mom, my sister and me. My dad is our head of the family. He has always been and will be for us and mom the main support in life, our protection. My father is a Builder. We can say that with his Golden hands he creates warmth not only for us, but also for other people – he builds houses. The main thing for him is that we grow up to be decent people who respect and appreciate such important concepts as family,
I try to take good care of my health. I exercise every morning. Of course, there are days when I forget to study. But I try to do exercises as often as possible. Sport develops my endurance and gives me strength. I also try to monitor my diet. Rarely in my diet is food debris. I usually eat healthy. Every weekend I walk in the fresh air as long as possible. These simple rules help me to be healthier and stronger.
Я стараюсь заботиться о своем здоровье. Я тренируюсь каждое утро. Конечно, бывают дни, когда я забываю учиться. Но стараюсь делать упражнения как можно чаще. Спорт развивает мою выносливость и придает сил. Я также стараюсь следить за своим питанием. Редко в моем рационе есть остатки пищи. Обычно я ем здоровую пищу. Каждые выходные я гуляю на свежем воздухе как можно дольше. Эти простые правила мне быть здоровее и сильнее.